Chapter 58: Visiting the Mech Club

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Leo asked casually as he walked down the hallway.

[Yes, it is-nya.] Aiden replied.

They were currently headed towards one of the clubs which according to Aiden might be able to be of some help to Leo.

Glory Academy was one of the biggest institutes in the whole Universe. It wouldn't be a joke to say that it didn't lack anything when it came to raising the younger generations. Obviously there were stronger and weaker points here too.

Like, the Academy ranked pretty high in the Mech Knight Training Program throughout the Universe. And, was known for it as well. But, it wasn't the same for every other course.

For example, the Mecha Engineering Department was particularly not doing so well, the situation was the same for the Science and Mathematics Department as well. And, it was strictly to be noted that this was in comparison to the other Academies around different Planets and galaxies.