Chapter 59: Invitation

"It seems you really have lost your mind as the rumors said." Cebrick looked at Leo with interest. This was the last place Cebrick was expecting to run into him.

Cebrick was the Youngest son of the Emperor, and the most loved one as well. The guy wasn't as talented as Rebecca or any of his other siblings in terms of his skills and physical prowess. But like Leo he was another machine geek.

At least he was interested in it, and was talented in comparison to others of his age And, this made him a bit prideful which was very apparent to Leo.

As for why this guy always looked for trouble with him, it was hard to say. But, it seemed he wasn't a fan of Aiden's character at all.

"What's going on?" Cebrick looked at the Lizardman, on the information desk with raised brows. He could see that the guy looked a bit nervous for some reason.