Chapter 76: Temple Of Light

A few days ago...

Planet Light Sky, Northern Universe

A tower stood tall on this planet. It's peak couldn't be seen from the ground as it went piercing into the sky like a ladder to heavens. The place was famous and known across the universe.

The Divine tower had been a symbol of Peace for a long time.

This place was the headquarters of the Temple of Light. One of the largest and most influential religious body across the entire Universe.

On the topmost floor of the tower, a place which was close to the outside world, sat an elderly looking man on a Golden Throne. There were several knights around him standing still in silence.

This man was the Divine Priest of the Temple, Pope Clement Evaristus.

His eyes were shut tight, and behind him stood a giant statue of what looked like an angel with it's hand clasped together and face turned upwards. But there was an odd thing about the statue, there two cracks on this angel statue.