Chapter 77: Mission

"How is it?" The Doctor asked Leo as the prosthetic was installed into his body.

"It hurts a bit," Leo replied with a frown as sweat slid down his forehead. It was hurting like hell if he was honest about it.

The mechanical arm was black in color with a shiny texture to it. It weighed almost the same as Leo's other arm. It looked a bit cool at least in Leo's eyes. He was a machine freak after all.

"You will need some rehabilitation and time to get used to it," The Doctor said with a calm look as he noted down a few things. "I will leave you for now. You better come next week to let me see your progress. And, we will discuss any problems that may arise in course of these few days then."

With that Viona gave the Doctor a nod and the two of them left the place.


"You guys are back?" Vanessa smiled seeing that Leo and Vionna had returned. She was usually lazing around in the house. Leo really didn't know if she actually had any real job or not.