Chapter 78: Time To Get To Real Workboard

[No! You are doing it wrong! Read the Instructions carefully. That's the wrong arrangement of the circuit!] 

A frown immediately appeared on Leo's face as he once again opened up the pages of the Inheritance book to check it up.

He was currently logged into the [Virtual Projection] and was using it to work on a dummy version of the Bionic Battle Arm, and it wasn't coming together well.

[Don't you understand the theory behind the flow of energy? What's with this junk that you made?] Arhtur wasn't holding back at all. He was as merciless as usual.

"Why don't you just tell me what to do? You know how to do this!" Leo cried in frustration. This A.I. was actually aware of the process. He could literally guide Leo with each and every step and could help him get it done.