Chapter 99: Murder

"That was tiring.." Leo fell on his bed in exhaustion. He was really tired with everything that had happened today.

[You still have your evening practice pending..] Arthur's voice rang in Leo's mind, and he realized that the horror had yet to truly end.

'Can't I take a break?' Leo asked with a pitiful look on his face.

"No breaks for you-nya." Aiden replied before Arthur as he sat there on the sofa wrestling with a teddy bear which was stolen from Amelia's room.

"What are you trying to do?" Leo couldn't help, but ask him in confusion.

"I feel pretty useless in this body. So, I am trying to see if I can create some way of combat.." Aiden muttered calmly as he concentrated on his opponent, the stationery teddy.

'Can we reduce the routine today?' Leo asked Arthur as a last request. If he started his routine now, he wouldn't be getting much sleep.