Chapter 100: A Serious Situation

"Hmph! What's with him?! When did he start caring about me so much?!" Amelia grumbled as she made her way back towards the parking lot.


The voice attracted her attention, and she raised her head to see a group of students walking right towards her being led by a guy. These people were her group of friends.

"Did you forget something? The Academy gates are towards the opposite ends.." Jason, the person in lead smiled as he pointed towards the other side.

This guy was Jason Young, the son of one of the Chiefs in the Army under Edgar. He was talented among the upcoming generation, and had people expecting a lot from him.

"Did you guys see the message? It seems someone is dead.." A girl in the group smiled as she showed the messaged to everyone.

She was Tristy Florence, the daughter of one of the Major Aristocrats in the Finance ministry. Her family was also know for harboring strong Awakeners.