Chapter 114: A Clue

A meeting was currently being held in the Academy. All the Instructors had gathered here with the Dean heading the meeting. The topic of discussion was obviously the murder incident.

"Sir, we can't keep the classes close like this. This is hurting our reputation, and people are losing their confidence in us." One of the Instructor's raised this point, and everyone's face turned a bit ugly.

An Academy who couldn't even protect their students was about to raise people to protect the Nation? If that wasn't a joke, no one one knew what was..

They were turning into a joke by other Academies.

"How could you say that?!" A familiar voice retorted, and it belonged to Vanessa. "The murderer hasn't been caught as of yet. And, just because we want to protect our reputation, you ask us to risk our students' lives."

This was indeed a valid argument.