Chapter 115: Strange Situation

"Well, it's time for the classes. See you guys later." Yuji looked at the time, and realized that he was getting late.

"Crap! We are late as well." Harry suddenly realized as well. And, since most of them were in the same section, they were late as well.

The group immediately rushed out of the club, only Biggie took a moment to pick Paul who was sleeping in the corner before rushing after the rest of the guys.

There wasn't any significance event following the day.

The murderer still wasn't caught, and the students seemed to have become a bit braver in comparison to the previous day.

Leo and Harry both had gotten the picture of the culprit from behind, and went around trying to see if they could find anyone. It was actually difficult to pinpoint the person as she was wearing loose clothes. That meant it was hard to make out her shape.

As Academy hours came to an end, Harry suddenly spoke with a bit of hesitation, "Did you find anything wrong with Runeko?"