Chapter 122: Aiden's Last Resort

Leo looked at the guy standing in front of him with wide eyes. He hadn't even realized when he had appeared behind him.

"He seems to be an Elite.." Ronnie muttered as he tilted his head around the corner and saw the student guarding the hallway.

"What are you doing?" Leo asked as he looked at the guy.

"Helping you…" Ronnie smiled.

"Do you even know what's going on?" Leo further asked him with an odd look on his face.

"Nope, but it seems interesting," Ronnie replied with a little excited look on his face. It didn't matter whether Leo was right or wrong, but he sure would make things a bit entertaining in the Academy.

Leo could clearly smell trouble from this guy.

But, he didn't have an option here.

"Can you distract that guy?" Leo pointed towards that fellow, and Ronnie patted his chest, "Leave it to me.."

The next moment, he moved ahead and walked out from the corner.

"Hello my friend.." There was a sweet smile on his face as he approached the student guarding the hallway.