Chapter 123: One Cat Two Owners

"How long do you people plan to take?!!" Dean Valen roared in anger as his gaze swept through all the Instructors in the room.

The culprit was still not in their hands. And, they were supposed to be one of the best Academies in the Universe.

The Leader of the Security Force sat there with his head hung low. He had nothing to say. All his people were already onto the matter. But, the culprit just couldn't be identified so easily. How the hell were they supposed to find out the person with only a picture of her back visible to them?

Obviously, they had already marked down a bunch of people with some similarity in figure, but there was nothing that seemed suspicious about them as of yet. Not to mention, they had to work within the rules and regulations. Meaning, they couldn't go overboard in their investigations.

All the Instructor's could only keep their mouths shut in silence while the Dean scolded them.