Chapter 128: Stumbling Upon A Secret


An explosion sounded as Dean Valen's body erupted with Arora energy. He didn't use any kind of skill and just used his energy to bring out a terrifying strength.

"You won't be able to run today.." He calmly walked towards the grey lump of matter. That thing was wriggling around trying to escape desperately. But, only found itself cornered against a wall.

When it tried to drill a hole through it, the Dean's Will erupted and surrounded the Zest, forming a cage around it.

This thing had already run all the way here when he was busy looking at Runeko. And, he surely didn't want to let it go again. After all, there were chances of students being nearby as they had travelled quite a bit away from the Dorm, the initial place of the incident.

The murky matter which was trapped in the cage, made of Dean's Will, struggle desperately, but it couldn't break out of it. It was a strange sight to see. After all, Will wasn't something a normal person could see.