Chapter 129: A New Drama?

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Leo and Amelia finished their breakfast, and boarded their vehicel before going out for the Academy.

"You haven't told Vanessa about it, right?" Leo sudeenly asked as he looked at Amelia. He knew the two were very close and shared most of the things with each other.

"No," Amelia shook her head, "Even Dad asked me to not talk about it. So, why would I?"

Edgar was there in the Dean's office too. So, he was in on the decision as well.

Leo nodded at her. It was a good thing if she had taken that to heart.

"How is Runeko?" Amelia whispered.

Leo looked at her a bit in surprise, "Scared of her?"

Amelia didn't reply, but then shook her head.

But, the hesitation was more than enough to tell what was going in her head.

"She is depressed obviously. And, from what I hear, she had been crying nonstop." Leo calmly answered her question.

What else would she do?