Chapter 131: Duke and Aiden

"Don't you remember how you got your reputation?" Harry looked at Leo in surprise.

'What the hell is he talking about?' Leo asked inwardly.

[Well..those are not some pleasant memories to talk about-nya.] Aiden replied in a heavy voice.

"Don't you even try to remember or search for things that happened in the past?" Harry asked Leo in confusion. If he was the one to have lost his memory, he sure would have tried to learn as much as he could about his own past.

Leo could only force a smile in the past. Earlier, he was indeed trying to learn a bit from all places, but now that Aiden was always by his side, he had eased his research on that front. After all, if he wanted to know anything, he could just ask this guy about it.

Looking at Leo's face, Harry shook his head, "A year ago, a conflict broke out between your previous section and Noah's section."

"Who is Noah?" Leo asked in confusion.

Harry's face twitched a bit.