Chapter 132: An Odd Event

Old Town Farm

"Isn't this a farm?" Leo muttered in confusion. Edgar had told him that it was a shop. But, no matter how he looked, it was indeed a farm. There was vast land spread across the horizon. The plot was certainly long, and towards the left was a huge wall which was the border.

There were some common domesticated animals on the plot of land. It was very big, and surrounded by reinforced fences. There was a house situated in the very middle of the huge plot of land. Leo had no idea what it was.

There was a path crafted towards the house by two fences on either side, creating a narrow path for visitors to take. A path which the animals couldn't come out at.

'Do you know anything about this place?' Leo asked internally. But, Aiden was as clueless as him. He had only heard about the place from Aaron and his father before. It seemed that before Silvers rose to their current position, they used to live like farmers in the outskirts.