Married a Great Demon King

Serina's phone rang again. It was still Sammy who called. She hung it up without any hesitation.

Serina then went to tidy up the bed. When she flipped over the quilt, she saw the blood stain on the bed sheet.

It was her first time last night. Sammy had wanted to get it for a long time.

Serina and Sammy grew up together, but the most intimate thing they had done was just kissing. Sammy had suggested in a euphemistic way many times that he wanted to sleep with her. Although Serina was not against sex before marriage, she liked to do the opposite of what others wanted. The more Sammy wanted to get it, the firmer Serina would keep him in in suspense.

However, what she got in the end?

Sammy cheated on her with Clara.

Now she lost her virginity to a Great Demon King. And he was her bestie's uncle!

'Wait! I would suffer a great loss if I divorced that man. I've given him my precious virginity!'

Serina didn't do losing deals.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Who?" Serina asked vigilantly.

"Ms. Serina, it's me, Molly. Do you want some food?"

Serina's stomach grumbled. It was not until then that she remembered she didn't eat anything and she drank so much last night. No wonder she felt uncomfortable. She was starving now.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm hungry!" Serina rushed to the door and opened it.

Molly smiled and said, "Follow me please."

It wasn't until Serina walked out of the bedroom that she had a look around this place.

The wide corridor was covered with thick carpet. The patterns on it were simple and plain, and it was very soft. There were many oil paintings hanging on the walls, most of which were in Western style.

Serina knew nothing about art, but she could tell that those paintings were expensive from the frames.

"We are on the sixth floor now. Mr. Derek's bedroom is on this floor. There are a piano room, a study room and a small living room on the fifth floor. The gym and cinema are on the fourth floor, and the guest rooms are on the third floor. Servants all live on the second floor. You'll find the living room and kitchen on the first floor."

Molly introduced as she walked.

"This place is equipped with everything. I can hang out in here all day long."

"There are also a swimming pool, a golf course and a garden outside. The garden Mr. Derek possesses can be called the most beautiful one in the country. Ms. Serina, how about take a walk there after your meal?"

Serina curled her lips. She could not believe that rich men's life was such extravagant.

Molly took Serina down the stairs in the elevator and they arrived at the dining hall. The chefs in black uniform had served the dishes and stood in a row.

Serina was taken aback. It was too exaggerated for her to have so many chefs at her service.

"Ms. Serina, please have a seat." Molly pulled out a chair.

As soon as Serina sat down, Molly was about to put on a napkin for her. "No! No! I can do it myself."

Molly nodded slightly and did as she said.

Serina picked up the chopsticks and had a look around the ones around her. They were all looking at her. Just as she was about to pick up some food, she put her chopsticks down and asked, "Molly, can you let them leave? I'm not used to having so many people watching me eat."

"Sure." Molly turned to the chefs and said, "Everyone can go now."

They then bowed and went into the kitchen.

Only then did Serina let out a sigh of relief, and she began to enjoy her meal.

Serina stayed in the Crystal Palace for five days.

And she finally had a rough idea about this place.

The Crystal Palace was really big. She had lost her way for several times and had to call Molly for help. What was worse, Serina had no sense of direction.

There were so many rules in the Crystal Palace. They were very strict about when servants changed shifts, had meals and had a rest. Moreover, they were all dressed in uniform, clean and spotless.

Serina could tell how freaky this Great Demon King was. He was the only one living here, but he had so many servants for him.

She was the one enjoying everything in the place now, with all of the servants waiting on her.

With a pair of large sunglasses, Serina was lying on the lounge beside the swimming pool and had a mouthful of iced fruit juice. What a great life!

The Great Demon King would be back in a couple days. She needed to work out a negotiation strategy.

While she was pondering, Molly walked over in a hurry and yelled, "Ms. Serina! Ms. Serina!"

"What's the matter?" Serina sat up, took off her sunglasses and took another sip of iced fruit juice.

"Mr. Derek is coming back!"

Serina got choked at once and coughed violently. "Isn't he going away for a week? It's not been a week yet."

"Yes. Mr. Derek used to be a punctual man. He usually came back on the date he told me. This had never happened before. Please be prepared, Ms. Serina."

"What should I prepare?"

"Well... nothing now that I think about it." Molly didn't have the idea either.

"I'm not his servant."

"Then Ms. Serina, I have to do my job. Excuse me," Molly said and left in a hurry.

Serina drank the juice with a straw in her mouth and lost in thought. Now that the Great Demon King had taken away the thing she treasured the most, she had to get some repayment from it.

She had intended to grasp this chance and have a talk with him. His sudden return disturbed her plan, though. She panicked at the thought of seeing him.

On the other hand, she was sure he would bring up the divorce, so she just needed to play it by ear.

The meeting didn’t happen until dinner time.