"The Date"

As soon as Ernest entered the door, he was shocked to see the scene in the ward.

He didn't expect Derek to be here, and Derek was even coaxing children.

"Godfather!" Cherry and Blueberry shouted out at the same time.

The Blueberry ran directly to Ernest. As soon as Ernest squatted down, she threw herself into his arms.

"Godfather, why are you here?" Blueberry asked in Ernest's arms.

"Godfather, I miss you so much!" Cherry shouted at Ernest. She had long forgotten how miserable she looked when she had just gotten the injection.

Hearing the children call Ernest godfather, Derek frowned.

It indicated that Ernest had never left Serina. Moreover, he had been guarding Serina and was very close to the two children.

Derek was a little jealous. He had never seen Blueberry so excited. When Blueberry talked to him, she usually was toneless. But she was so close to Ernest.

According to the response of Blueberry, it was easy to imagine that of Cherry.