It Should Be You

In Azure Grand Hotel.

After eight o'clock, Warden, who had changed into a dark black suit, strode into Azure Grand Hotel. When he walked to the counter, he heard the person at the counter say that the other room card he had placed at the counter had been taken away by a beautiful woman with a good figure. Warden's face showed joy. His fingers gently pulled the tie on his neck. He couldn't stop smiling. Then he turned to the elevator.

Standing in the elevator, Warden could no longer hide the joy in his heart. He thought that Cathy would not dare to gamble with her future. She would definitely submit. As he expected, she obediently came to the hotel.

Just as he was thinking about this, he had already walked out of the elevator. He held the room card in his hand in a hurry and walked towards the room he had booked.

The lights in the room suddenly lit up just as he entered the room and was about to pounce on the bed.