Shotgun Marriage

Cathy pointed at Warden's nose and said, "Mr. Grant, it was you who threatened me. You said that if I didn't stay with you, you would pull me into the companies' blacklist. And I won't get a job in Peace City. How can you call black white?"

Warden looked at Cathy with a ferocious face.

"Don't talk nonsense. I have a deep relationship with my wife. Why would I like you? I'm telling you, if you slander me again, I will sue you!"

Cathy glanced at Audrey, who was beside her, and gritted her teeth.

"I'll tell the truth even if you sue me!" Cathy gazed at Daisy's face, "Mrs. Grant, I have the call records from Mr. Grant and the messages he sent me. Not only did he threaten me to have sex with him, but he also had an affair with several other colleagues in our company. Even... Some of them have already left their jobs, but they still have to maintain an improper relationship with him because of his threat!"