It's You Who Are Fated to Be (36)

After hearing Audrey's words, Nell opened her mouth in surprise. "You ... What did you say? You mean..."

Audrey stroked her lower abdomen and smiled. "I just knew it two days ago. It has been five weeks."

"Really?" Nell looked at Audrey in disbelief. "You are even earlier than me. Why didn't you say anything before?"

"I wanted to say, but you just got married to Mr. Walker. I wanted to wait until you were less busy. I didn't expect that you told me the good news first!"

Nell happily held Audrey's hand. "That's great. This way, we can be partners when we go for a prenatal checkup."

With that, Nell looked at Nataly. "By the way, Nataly, you and Audrey got married at the same time. You are left behind now. If you can make it, the three of us can be pregnant together. When the time comes, we can stay in the hospital and have children together. How nice would that be!"

Nataly blushed.