It's You Who Are Fated to Be (37)

Nell, who was forced to drink the soup, coughed several times before swallowing the soup. When she stopped coughing, her small face had already turned red from the coughing.

She pointed at James' nose with anger. "James, you bastard! You actually..."

"Didn't you ask me to drink the soup? I did!" James replied in all seriousness.

He was a rogue. He didn't drink that at all! The soup all ended up in her mouth.

"You..." Nell pointed at James, wanting to curse, but she felt great pain in her stomach. Something inside was violently churning. Suddenly, Nell vomited all over.

Originally, James thought that Nell was pretending to be uncomfortable again. But seeing this, he quickly helped her and called the servant over.

Later, Nell was thrown into the hospital because of vomiting.

Nell lay on the bed with a pale face.

Nell vomited and was sent to hospital because of the soup. James felt very guilty about it.

Seeing Nell lying on the hospital bed, he held her hand in distress.