Siding With Outsiders

Mandy left the study and stared at the door with a profound gaze.

She went downstairs and sat in the living room. Only then did she ask the servant to open the door. Four police officers in casual clothes came in.

"Ms. Mandy, we are sorry to disturb you. We received a report that a wanted criminal appeared in your villa."

"Someone reported it?"

Mandy frowned. This was beyond her expectations.

Not many people knew that James was in her villa. Who reported it?

She frowned and glanced upstairs, but she quickly retracted her gaze and smiled, letting the police officers do their work.

The servants followed behind the officers as they opened rooms one after another. Then they planned to go upstairs.

"I'm sorry but upstairs is my bedroom. There is no one at all. Are you sure you want to check it?"

The police officers hesitated. They didn't dare to offend Kason's daughter.