Take Them In

Fortunately, that difficult night rewarded Reyna with generous tips.

Reyna counted the money and found that she got seven thousand yuan.

It could cover over a month. She was elated, even had springy steps on her way home from work.

Reyna and her brother were living at Duncan's house now. Duncan Yarnell was her father's business partner.

Ever since her father died, Reyna could only mortgage their house to pay off the debts. However, the debts grew and reached over 30 million. Even if they had sold their house, they could not pay off the whole debts. They had moved multiple times, but the loan shark could always find them. Fortunately, Duncan offered to help them and let them live in his house.

Duncan never asked them for rents. But Reyna was very grateful to him for taking them in. She insisted on paying the rents. Therefore, she had been working hard to earn money and did not dare to slack off for a moment.

Lance, her brother, was a sophomore at a music school. He usually stayed at school and only came back on weekends. Reyna did not want to disturb the Yarnells, so she always ate out and only slept in the house at night.

The next day, after finishing her day's work, Reyna went straight to the Full Bloom Club.

When she got there, the foreman walked over and said, "Reyna, a big shot will come here. We've set up a specific theme for him. We will send four people to wait on him. These are the clothes you need to wear tonight. Get changed and ready."

The foreman handed her a set of pink clothes.

"Got it." Reyna took the clothes and turned to the dressing room.

Tonight's theme was "Garden". Reyna and the other three waitresses all wore dresses with rabbit patterns and big ear head bands. They were going to greet the big shot that the foreman had mentioned.

The man was around forty years old. They called him Mr. Nash. He wore a long black coat. He was smoking a cigar when he came in. A lot of smoke spread out, and Reyna, who was closest to him, almost choked.

Mr. Nash looked up at Reyna and was blown away by her face. Then, he smiled meaningfully. "Hey, bring me a glass of Chateau Laffite Rothschild."

"Alright, please wait a moment."

Reyna brought the wine and found that Mr. Nash was playing cards with the card king of the club, Asher Greer.

However, Mr. Nash was clearly no match for Asher. Asher won every game.

In just 30 minutes, Mr. Nash had lost over half of his property.

Because he had lost a lot of money, Mr. Nash's face darkened, and he began to curse.

Reyna could feel his depression and anger.

"That's it!" Mr. Nash stood up and was about to leave when he bumped into a waitress who just brought the hot coffee over.

Coffee spilled on his clothes and left a noticeable stain.

The waitress was new here and got frightened. She immediately bowed to apologize, "I ... I'm sorry, Mr. Nash, I'm so sorry...."

"Damn it!" Mr. Nash turned furious as he kicked the waitress in the stomach. "I'll kill you!"

Then he grabbed her hair. The waitress could only scream miserably and tremble in fear.

It happened so soon. No one had expected that Mr. Nash was so arrogant in the club. He even made things difficult for a young waitress.

"Stop!" Reyna could not stand it. She walked over and grabbed Mr. Nash's arm. "Mr. Nash, she didn't do it on purpose. Your clothes are ruined, but we can compensate you. You are a man. Why bother making things difficult for a woman?"

Reyna knew that Mr. Nash lost money and was in a bad mood. That was why he vented his anger on Claire, the waitress, when he bumped into her.

"Do you know how expensive my coat is? Can you afford it?"

"We will try our best to compensate you. Please calm down and wait a minute." Reyna tried to comfort Mr. Nash. But he did not want to let Clair go.

"Alright, my coat is worth 100,000. Give me 100,000, and I'll let her go. If she can't take out the money, she...." Mr. Nash glanced at Clair on the ground and then pointed at Reyna. "And you. You two need to play with me. Then I'll let you go."

What? 100,000?

Reyna worked here as a waitress because she lacked money. How could she possibly have so much money?

"The coffee in her hand spilled on you because you stood up all of a sudden. You...."

"Are you regretting it?"

"No. That's not what I meant."

This was the first time Reyna had met such a difficult customer. She had just graduated from college and lacked social experiences.

Now Reyna felt very helpless. Everyone was just looking at them, and no one wanted to help them.

Although it had nothing to do with Reyna, she could not just sit and watch like the others.

Mr. Nash stared at Reyna with desire. "Can you dance? Show me a dance in that dress. Maybe I'll let you go."

Reyna glared at him, who was eyeing her vulgarly. She knew what he wanted to see, but she had no choice but to do it.

"Do you mean it?"

Mr. Nash pulled up a chair and sat down. He placed his hands on the card table like an overlord with a meaningful smile. "Of course."

"Alright, I'll do it."

Reyna had learned some dances in college. She had never expected that her hobby would come in handy one day.

When the music began, Reyna started to move her body to the rhythm.


The freezing silence was broken by the cheering. They applauded and some even whistled.

Reyna tried to subdue her discomfort and kept dancing.

The lights seemed to be gathered on her. Reyna could feel their gazes with desire.

The tight pink rabbit dress perfectly sketched out her curvaceous body. She was wearing stockings, which made her long, slender and white legs more tempting. She waved like a water snake. Her dance and her body turned everyone on.

The rabbit ear on her band wiggled as she moved her body. She shook her long black hair and some of it was stuck on her forehead. She looked so young, innocent and yet seductive.

She was wandering between an innocent girl and a sexy woman. Her dance and face were full of charm.

After the song ended, the applause pulled Reyna back to reality. Her misty eyes returned to normal. She panted slightly and looked at the man in front of her, who stared at her in a trance of cravings.

Dancing in such clothes was deadly attractive to men.

"Is that okay?" Reyna asked coldly.

She was a rare sexy beauty. No women could be innocent and sexy at the same time like her. She seemed to be born to drive men crazy.


"Why?" Reyna raised her voice and said angrily, "Didn't you promise that you would let her go if I dance for you?"

"I said maybe."


"If you go out with me, I'll let her go. How about it?"

Of course, Reyna would not agree. She did not expect that she would get into such a big trouble because of her kindness.

"Let go of me! I won't go out with you!" Reyna grabbed the card table and refused to leave with Mr. Nash. She freaked out and asked for help. "Help...."

However, she didn't know someone was staring at her from the left, third floor.

The man held a glass of wine, which was red as blood. He was waggling the glass as he opened his mouth. His Adam's apple bobbed when he stared at the pitiful Reyna downstairs.

He narrowed his eyes like an eagle that found its prey. Then he pulled a treacherous smile.