Give It Back to Me

"Mr. Nash!" Reyna finally heard Celia's voice. She had been waiting for Celia. The crowd made way for the manager. She walked over and glanced at Reyna. Then, she looked at Mr. Nash. "Mr. Nash, don't let a woman spoil your fun. We can return you half of the money you just lost. After all, she is our employee. When they make a mistake at work, it's best if we deal with it in private. Don't you think so?"

The Full Bloom Club had its own rules. Normally, they would not return half of the money a customer lost.

But things were different today.

"Sorry, Ms. Celia. I like her, and I won't leave without her today." Mr. Nash did not accept Celia's suggestion.

Celia looked as if she could understand Mr. Nash. "Actually, we won't stop you from taking her out. But only if she agrees to go out with you."

"I'm not going out with him!" After Celia said that, Reyna looked anxious and scared. She immediately said, "I don't know him. I don't want to leave with him! Ms. Celia, please save me."

"Mr. Nash, this young lady said that she doesn't want to go with you."

Mr. Nash wanted to say something. But considering the forces behind the Full Bloom Club, he could only let Reyna go in the end.

Celia smiled. "Mr. Nash, you're a smart man. Our manager will take you to the front desk to settle the amount of compensation."

Mr. Nash snorted coldly and left in displeasure.

The crowd dispersed soon. Reyna was also going to leave. She was still frightened. She didn't have to leave with Mr. Nash. But she suddenly felt very drunk and hot.

She leaned against the wall and tried to stand upright. Celia noticed that Reyna was not feeling well. "You're drunk. It's not safe to go back like this. There's a room on the third floor on the left. Why don't you go up and rest for a while?"

Reyna felt terrible and particularly heavy in the head. So, she nodded with difficulty.

Reyna walked upstairs with heavy steps.

Seeing Reyna went to the third floor, Celia, who stayed on the first floor, withdrew her gaze and called someone, "Boss, I've solved the problem. She ... also went up."

This was the first time Reyna had gone to the left floor. She opened the door and slowly walked in. The room was pitch black with lights off. Only the moonlight squeezed in through the window.

Feeling rather insecure, she halted her steps.

Suddenly, the door creaked. Reyna immediately turned around and realized that someone closed the door. She rushed to the door and grabbed the handle, only to find that the door was locked.

What was going on? Why was the door locked?

Reyna knocked on it like crazy. "Open the door! Is anyone there? Open the door! Let me out!"

"Hurry up and open the door! Help!" Reyna's hair curled. Then she heard gentle footsteps coming closer. Before she could do anything, a tall figure got her.

Then the person pulled her and forced her to turn around. The next second, he kissed hard on her lips.

Reyna was like a frightened rabbit. The strange feelings made her very uncomfortable. She began to struggle madly.

Who was it?

An unfamiliar scent and a kiss from a strange man. She could not see his face in the darkness.

She failed to break away from him, so she gritted her teeth and bit his lips.

The man cried out in pain. He could only stop kissing her, revealing an offended look. He pressed his legs against hers, and one hand against her upper body. He became hostile, "This is how you paid me back?"

There was desire in his deep voice. Reyna could feel his warm breathing on her face. He was so aggressive and overbearing.

But his voice sounded so familiar.

He had saved her?

"Mr. Leroy?"

It was Leroy Malone, the customer of Room No.1 on the third floor yesterday.

Why was he here?

This was his room?

"Your dance ... was very beautiful." Reyna's eyes had adjusted to the dark. She felt that he was caressing her thigh as he said meaningfully, "Now I want you to dance for me again."

Leroy was so bossy that he did not give her the chance to rest for a while.

Reyna pressed her hands against his chest as she said in a trembling voice. She was flustered. "No, I was forced to dance tonight. I'm a waitress. Dancing is not my job."

"But what if I insist?" The man laughed softly. His hoarse voice was so sexy. Meanwhile, Reyna felt his hard-on.

He was so hard and hot that Reyna's cheeks flushed. She even started trembling.