
"I only work here part-time. And you're not my boss. You can't force me to do anything!" Reyna was extremely scared, but she pretended to be calm.

However, Leroy just snorted coldly. Her words meant nothing to him. She was as ridiculous as a clown when she said that.

"You're wrong. I am your boss. I can make you do whatever I want." Leroy kissed on her neck. In the quiet room, Reyna could only hear his rapid breathing because he was getting hard. "It's fine if you don't want to dance. Sleep with me tonight, and I'll let you go. How about it?"


Did he think she was a prostitute?

Reyna felt so humiliated. "I'm not a prostitute. You've found the wrong person. Please let me out, Mr. Leroy!"

But Leroy suddenly held her by the chin. He smothered her with kisses. Reyna could tell from his tone that he was displeased. "Alright, I give you a chance, but you refuse me. Don't ever come back to me again. That's not fun."

"No, I'll never do that!"

She could quit the job!

Leroy finally let her go and stepped back. But in the darkness, Reyna felt very uncomfortable when she heard his laughter.

He was sneering at her overestimation and confidence.

Suddenly, she heard a beep. It turned out that the door was controlled remotely by a lock with password.

When the door opened, Reyna did not hesitate and immediately ran out. She did not know that her work pass had fallen to the ground.

After Leroy turned on the lights, the dark room was lit up. He looked down and saw the pass on the ground. He bent down and picked it up.

The woman in the photo did not wear any makeup, yet she looked gorgeous

Every man would fall in love with her.

Leroy stroked the corners of his injured mouth and wiped away the blood. He threw her work pass onto the table. He looked at her back, and his eyes were filled with aggression.

Reyna Herring.


Reyna ran out of the Full Bloom Club. Her heart was beating wildly, and she was not feeling well. She returned home with great difficulty and took a cold bath before getting a little better.

Thinking about Leroy's words, Reyna hadn't yet got over the scare.

She should quit the job.

The next night, Reyna went to work on time. Tonight, they were going to have an annual singing and dancing event in the Full Bloom Club. Before the card game started, there would be a show. Celia sent everyone a copy of tonight's programs. After that, Reyna told Celia that she was going to resign.

Celia was stunned for a moment. Then she nodded. "Alright. But it will take some time to deal with your contract. Even if you're going to leave, I hope you can finish your work tonight."

"I will." Reyna was about to leave.

"Wait!" Celia stopped her and looked at her chest. "Reyna, where is your work pass?"

Only then did Reyna realize that her work pass was missing. She rummaged through her bag and clothes, but she couldn't find it.

Just as Reyna was getting anxious, Celia came over and said, "Your pass fell in the corridor on the third floor last night. Someone saw it and kept it for you. You could get it in the Room No.5 on the left third floor."


Reyna went there and opened the door. Then she saw Leroy sitting there and smiling at her.

"It's you?" Reyna realized something. "Did you take my work pass?"

Reyna remembered what had happened last night. Now that she saw him, she couldn't help but tremble in fear.

"Yes." Leroy waved the pass in his hand. "I heard that it's very important to you. Without this, you can't get to work."

Reyna walked over and stretched her hand towards him, "Give it back to me!"

Leroy's gaze rest on her tender palm. Then, he swiped the card on her hand. The hard plastic shell made her feel itchy. Coupled with his meaningful smile, his actions looked so weird and lascivious.

"You want it? Shouldn't you ask me nicely?"

Reyna suddenly moved her hand and tried to snatch her pass back. But Leroy seemed to have predicted it and dodged easily.

"Mr. Leroy, what do you want?" Reyna said angrily.

"I want to play a game with you."

He was crazy!

"I don't want to play any games! Please give it back to me!"

She couldn't get to work without it.

He turned the pass in his hand and took it back. He looked up at Reyna with flamboyant eyes. "How did you get hired with this bad temper?"

"It's none of your business!" Reyna stared at her work pass in his hand. She wanted to snatch it back. But considering the strength difference, she had little chance of winning, so she gave up.

"I'm the boss of this place. Of course, it's some of my business. I could fire you right now."

Reyna took a deep breath and said to herself for several times, "Don't offend him, or you'll suffer."

After taking a few deep breaths, she opened her eyes again and said in a much calmer tone, "What is it gonna take for you to give it back to me?"

"Just a few simple things. First, get me a glass of wine."

Reyna looked at the wine beside him and asked doubtfully, "Why?"

He could do it himself.

Leroy raised his chin and had no trouble saying, "Because I'm thirsty."

Reyna was speechless.

He just wanted a glass of wine?

She would do it!

Reyna gritted her teeth and walked over. She bent down and poured him a full glass. She handed it to him and said, "Here you go."

He took a sip and put it down. Then he stood up and walked to her.

Reyna was so scared that her eyes widened. She couldn't help but step back. "You! Stay back!"

She quickly turned around, tried to open the door and ran out. But Leroy grabbed her by the collar.

"Let go of me!"

He forced her to turn around. His face was so close to her that she could hardly breathe, like a fish out of water.

"Don't move!"

Reyna did not dare to move. She still looked stubborn and afraid of him, but she was also very angry.

Leroy stood in front of her. He was very tall, and Reyna felt that she was getting pressed. He even stretched his hand towards her.

His fingers were hot as he slowly stroked her clothes. Then, he stopped at her chest. Reyna could feel his hot fingers through her shirt.

Leroy looked at her with mockery. He continued to move his hand and then slowly put the work pass on her clothes.

Reyna was surprised and froze. Leroy suddenly bent down and said softly in a sexy hoarse voice, "I'm not a patient man, but I can wait for you."

Reyna realized what he was doing. She immediately stepped back and ran away.

Leroy laughed happily and arrogantly behind her. But to Reyna, he was like a curse that would ruin her life.