He Got Sick

Reyna wanted to struggle but she didn’t. Because she saw the tiredness on his face.

Leroy didn't lie to her. He held Reyna in his arms all night and didn't do anything else to her.

Reyna felt that Leroy had taken her as a doll that would make him feel secure.

Otherwise, Leroy wouldn't have clasped her in his arms all night without letting go.

The air conditioner was on, but Reyna still sweated all over because Leroy was too close to her.

The next day, Reyna woke up quite early. She got out of Leroy's arms and washed up. When she went downstairs, Julia was making breakfast.

It was Reyna's day off today. She had stayed up late last night and got up early this morning. Now she had trouble opening her eyes because they were swollen.

Julia put the breakfast on the table and asked with a smile, "Miss Reyna, has Mr. Leroy got up?"

"Not yet." Reyna took a bite of bread and asked casually, "Julia, what's Leroy doing recently? Why does he come back so late every night?"