What Perfume Are You Wearing?

Reyna had been with Leroy for so long, but Leroy used to be addicted to her body and he rarely kissed her as he did right now.

Leroy kissed her hard, which lasted for a long while and was certainly very different than before. Reyna was forced to take his kiss because she could not escape at all.

Leroy was a good kisser, and it seemed like he wanted to eat her alive. Only when Reyna almost choked did Leroy stop.

He rested his chin on her smooth shoulder. Hearing her heavy breathing, he smiled.

He was inexplicably relaxed and happy because he got satisfied.

"Last night is last time. It won't happen again."

Reyna was stunned for a long time before she realized what he meant.

His bout flared up twice and he injured her twice last night.

Reyna calmed down, pushed him away, and said, "Can I move out?"

His smile suddenly faded and then he asked, "Do you want to move out?"

"Can I?" Reyna looked at him so coldly that Leroy was under the delusion that she was aroused just now.