I Believe You

In the face of the woman's pestering, the clerk still said gently with a polite smile, "Miss, please calm down. We are an exclusive store. The design and quality of the shoes have been of a high standard. We only sell genuine products. You can inspect it, and we offer a tenfold purchase price refund for any counterfeit product sold. As for the shoes you saw online, we don't go through the same channel, so we can't judge them. If you think our shoes are expensive, you can also choose to buy them online."

The woman had a lot of makeup, wore a sheath dress, and was curvaceous.

She was shapely but mean. When she noticed that the clerk was mocking her with a gentle and polite voice, she was irritated.

"What do you mean? Where do you get this attitude?" The woman threw back the shoes that had been packed up and continued, "I don't want it!"

The woman turned around and was about to leave when she bumped into Leroy who had just walked in.