Blank World

A year later.

Under the hundred-foot-high waterfall, a simple hut was built on the bank beside the waterfall. A topless, tanned teenager sat on a boulder on the shore. Surprisingly, the teenager's whole body was covered with thick cocoons and countless scars, especially on his shoulders.

After a long time, the teenager opened his eyes, and his black and white eyes were full of helplessness and disappointment.

"Why can't I reach the cohesion spirit mentioned in the" Inner Gate Land Sutra "after practicing for a whole year (explanation: this is a Taoist magic practice level)? Has your heart not calmed down yet? Or do you really have too poor qualifications?"

The first sentence at the beginning of the Inner Gate Sutra is "If you want to refine your body, you must first calm your heart and condense your spirit."

The teenager was Mason one year later. Since Joseph left, Mason closed himself for nearly a month before finally coming out of the haze. Later, Mason moved out of Trojan Village and built this small hut beside the waterfall. Apart from going into the mountain to beat small animals to fill his stomach, he gathered his spirit every day.

In the past year, although there has been no progress in the inner gate, Mason has been able to sit under the waterfall for ten minutes. Although it is still a long way from the one hour mentioned by the master, it is a great progress for Mason.

At the same time, Mason's body was several times stronger because Mason's body was hit by fast-flowing water every day. Although it is not enough to describe it as a tiger's back and a bear's waist, the whole body already has a lot of muscles.

Mason stared at the fast-flowing water ahead, his eyes flashing with firmness, and murmured, "Eldest Brother... Mason will not disappoint you!!" Suddenly, Mason's body quickly jumped into the running water, swam to the middle of the waterfall and sat down.

"Boom!!" The swift waterfall bombarded Mason's body continuously. The dark skin turned a little purple under the impact of the waterfall. However, Mason seemed to have become a stone sculpture and did not move.

A minute passed …

Five minutes passed. Mason's facial muscles kept twitching and the pain of tearing came from all over his body. Mason still gritted his teeth and insisted without moving at all.

Ten minutes passed

Mason's back was already bloodied and his skin was gradually cracking. The impact of the waterfall made the wound bigger and bigger and the blood flowed more and more. However, Mason's eyes were tightly closed, his brow twisted into a ball, and the muscles of his face seemed to shake.

Eleven minutes …

The stream has been dyed red, and Mason has become a bloody man at this time. His whole body skin is split and bloody. Eleven minutes and ten minutes are only one minute different, but this minute is enough to test Mason's limit.

"Wow... poof!" Mason suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, and his body collapsed to the ground. He struggled to escape from the fast-flowing water, floated on the water and slowly climbed to the shore. Mason, who was lying on the shore, was covered in raw flesh, but Mason's bright eyes were sparkling with excitement. I have set a new record again, 11 minutes.

A month later, Mason's dark body became stronger and stronger, and his original immature face had already matured out of proportion to his age. Although he had just turned 11 years old, his experience had made him mature.

Plate sitting on the shore, eyes closed, meditation condensed spirit. This is the secret he has discovered in the past month. Every time he sits around and meditates, he can make his spirit reach a state of abundance in a short period of time.

He thought that this was the basic condition described in the "Inner Gate Sutra" to condense the spirit, but it was also said that when the condense spirit layer was reached, the skin would have a low light flow, but he could not perceive any light in his skin at all, obviously not.

After some meditation, Mason took a deep breath and jumped under the waterfall again.

Mason's whole body was taut as he clenched his teeth. Then, Mason's mind flashed with silk light. Why not meditate at this time, gather your spirit and let yourself enter the blank? Then your pain should be much less.

Thought of here, Mason immediately forced himself to calm down and breathe slowly.

The impact of the waterfall really seems to have decreased!

Mason's incomparable surprise and pain in his heart also weakened a lot. Gradually, Mason's heart calmed down.

Time is slowly passing, and the waterfall is flying down as if it would never dry up.

Eleven minutes …

Fifteen minutes …

If anyone passes by here, he will definitely be frightened, because the waterfall at this time is already red with blood.

And under the waterfall, there was a man sitting on the plate.

Accurately speaking, it should be a bloody man. At this time, his whole body was constantly flooded with blood and washed away by waterfalls. There was no intact skin all over his body.

In fact, "Neimen Dijing" was originally a secret collection for the master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's master's

However, in order to reassure Joseph, and considering that he could not teach outsiders the skills of his master's cultivation without permission, the master had to extract from Mason the previously recorded "Neimen Dijing". But I didn't expect...

If the master saw Mason's feeling at this time, he did not know whether his heart of stone would waver.

Surprisingly, Mason did not seem to feel any pain, as if the blood flowing from his body did not belong to him, and he was still sitting there motionless.

Mason did not know how long he had been sitting here. He only knew how to grind his teeth and stick to it, forcing his mind into a blank.

The scars torn by the waterfall all over his body became bigger and bigger, and the blood on Mason's face slowly receded.

"Boom..." Suddenly, Mason felt as if there was an explosion in his mind. He had no time to make any response. He only felt black at the moment and fell into the stream under the waterfall.

I don't know how long it has passed, as if it had passed a day, a year, ten years, and as if time had stayed at this moment forever.

Mason woke up.

Suddenly, Mason was stunned. Mason was now in a blank world. The next moment, Mason seemed to be met by Lightning strike. In horror, his body had turned into a fist-sized white light mass.

Am I... Dead?

Is this white light group your soul?

However, didn't you listen to the elder in the village that the soul after death is colorless? Why is your own white? Mason's heart was horrified.

Mason wants to move, but now he can't move at all. He just stays in this blank world and can't move. His heart was both shocked and scared, and his heart was even more regretful why he had to sit under the waterfall to leave his mind blank. At this time, it was too late to regret.

No! ! This must be a dream, I must be in a dream. Mason comforted himself and fell asleep again.

I don't know how long it took. Mason's white light suddenly quivered. Mason woke up from a deep sleep and looked around. His heart quivered. He was still in a blank world! ! Mason was completely dull. Mason wanted to cry. The panic at this time and the eternal separation from his brother, the injustice he had suffered before, were constantly replayed at this moment.

Suddenly, Mason exploded with unprecedented power and struggled to break free. Suddenly, the white light group actually floated forward.

You... You can move?

Mason's heart was pleasantly surprised. The original despair seemed to make Mason find a piece of wood in the sea and rekindle hope. The light group kept floating forward, as if to float out of this blank world.