Four Colorful Space

Mason did not know how long it had been floating. To his surprise, he seemed to have infinite strength and would not be tired at all.

All of a sudden, Mason now has a blank world ahead with a large rice bowl, in which gold, red, yellow and blue lights rotate, which makes Mason ecstatic.

However, the next moment, he was horrified that he could not swim at all at this time. From the four-color whirlpool, he spread the pressure like the top of Mount Tai, making him unable to move any more.

But Mason knows that this four-color whirlpool is probably the only way to escape from this blank world. How can he give up?

When Mason swam to the center of the whirlpool, he suddenly felt a fierce suction and sucked himself into the center of the four-color whirlpool.

When Mason opened his eyes again, he was now in a four-color world. Mason dazed in the world and looked around.

Is this a fairyland?

After a long time, Mason finally woke up and continued to swim before returning to reality.

I don't know how long it took, Mason suddenly stopped swimming. If Mason had eyes at this time, he must have stared at the front with rounded eyes.

Right in front of Mason, a figure loomed!

Is this... Is this a human being or a ghost?

After thinking for a long time, Mason swam in horror towards the figure ahead. Mason knew that if he wanted to leave this space, this person should be able to help himself. Now Mason has gradually matured and become intelligent.

The more he swam forward, the more shocked and even horrified Mason's heart was. Mason was not just a figure in front of him. To be precise, his hands and feet were pulled by some rope-like things.

Where the hell is this? What is this colorful world? Moreover, why is this person "tied" here?

I don't know how long I swam, Mason was struck by lightning, and his panic almost made him run at once. I saw a giant standing in front of me, and this man's body shape was even higher than the mountain in front of Trojan Village.

Mason originally wanted to escape. Mason was frightened by his horrible size. After all, he was only an 11-year-old child at this time. It was a miracle that he could not collapse in the blank world.

In the face of such a large number of people, Mason gritted his teeth and warned himself that if he wants to return to reality, he must pass the giant's level. In order to reunite with his brother, Mason tried his best to suppress his inner fear and continued swimming with his eyes closed.

When Mason opened his eyes again, he looked blankly ahead and was completely there.

It turns out that the giant's "rope" involving the giant's hands and feet turned out to be... turned out to be... dragon!

In Trojan Village, Mason did not seldom listen to the elders in the village. It is rumored that the dragon is an ancient mythical beast. It is extremely powerful, wields the wind and rain, destroys the world, and has the characteristics of shrimp eyes, antlers, ox beak, dog nose, catfish beard, lion mane, snake tail, fish scales, eagle claws, etc. It is only a mythical beast that exists in legend.

At this time, Mason actually saw it alive! Moreover, there is more than one dragon, but... four!

Gold, yellow, red, purple, the whole four colors of dragon!

Mason's heart trembled completely and looked at the four dragons in horror. He almost didn't kneel down and worship them.

Who is this giant? Got... Got bitten by four dragons? ?

Yes! ! The giant was bitten, and the four dragons unexpectedly opened their big mouths and bit the giant's hands and feet respectively, as if to split the giant to pieces! !

The four dragons seemed to appear from the sky and could not see where their tails were.

Mason floated there in a daze, looking ahead at the picture that shocked the entire Fantasy continent world.

Mason took a breath of air conditioning, refrained from the impulse to run, swam forward again and drifted towards the giant.

When Mason reaches the giant's feet, if Mason is still flesh at this time, I'm afraid his inner shock will make his heart jump out.

This is how magnificent and spectacular ah, Mason stunned at this full thousands of meters of purple dragon giant, the heart is both frightened and shocked more inexplicable excitement.

Around the purple dragon head, there were countless thin purple thunder and lightning, constantly making the sound of "magnetic" thunder and lightning. Strangely, the thunder and lightning could not hurt himself. Mason could not help but feel curious and floated to the top of the purple dragon head, doing his best to let his white light collide with the purple dragon.

"Roar!!" Suddenly, the purple-black space spread a loud noise like thunder, and a horrible purple shock wave exploded from the purple dragon and spread in all directions.

Mason watched in horror as the shock wave penetrated his body. The purple dragon's roar lingered for a long time and lingered in the whole four-color space. His heart was extremely frightened. If he were still flesh at this time, I'm afraid he would have been shocked by the huge roar and bled to death. !




In Mason's horror, suddenly three roars no less than the purple dragon roar broke out again in the space, and the whole space was shaken violently by the four dragon roars.

Mason was already silly and watched in horror as four visible shock waves swung through the four-color space, penetrating the white light masses he had melted one after another.

However, what he did not show was that when the four shock waves penetrated his white light, his white light unexpectedly appeared purple, red, gold and yellow.

After a long time, the loud roar of the four dragons slowly disappeared. Mason seemed to have stopped in this time, and his heart was even more frightened that the four horrible dragons would show themselves.

Mason breathed a sigh of relief only after the sound completely disappeared. Mason never dared to touch the four dragons again.

Suddenly, Mason quivered, and the whole fist-sized white light group actually fluctuated violently. This was caused by Mason's inner trembling, because... suddenly there was a muffled thunder buzzing sound in the whole space!

What makes Mason's heart tremble even more is that a suction force makes Mason's white light float up continuously. Mason wants to run, but now no matter how hard he struggles, it is of no help. He can only watch himself float up continuously.

Suddenly, the muffled sound in the whole space disappeared, and the whole space seemed to be silent at this moment.

Mason closed his eyes to death. I don't know how long it took. He could not help but feel curious and opened his eyes.

Suddenly, Mason was dull.