"Tonight, our in-depth look is on none-other than the one the only Lee Jang-hyuk, the youngest billionaire and CEO of Korea's leading IT corporation. The crown prince of technology, who is chase by paparazzi, business executives, rivals. As hard as he works, he plays even harder, none to switch girlfriends more frequently than clothes. His every scandal, every step causes the entire nation to gawk their attention at him.

Dubbed the better looking Asian Elon musk and has made his company reach the top most enviable position in the industry. Ever since taking over from his father, there has been no stopping the meteoric rise"

The picture of the news anchor fades in on itself, as the tall, bored looking man with quaffed hair and chiseled jaw places the remote control on the counter.

Loosening the tie which feels as if it has been strangling him, he sighs at the same talk and spiel which has been going on multiple broadcasts only to push their own agenda and gain ratings.

It's not that he feels used, but that he feels frustrated at how dull the entire thing is.

His life has been anything but golden, as portrayed in these shows. At five, his mother passed away, at 17 his father driven into a corner by business rivals committed suicide. That same year, when everything was spiraling out of his control, his girlfriend cheated on him with his so-called best friend.

I guess you could say it royally screwed him in the head. The warm-hearted person vanished that day as he made sure the two people closest to him begged for forgiveness before killing them, out of rage. Of course, he was more than smart enough to never use his own hands.

Seven years have passed since that day…the day his heart stopped beating out of love. And started beating for….. pain.

"Hah, I was expecting something more exciting when the producer said that she would be doing a full expose," He says to no-one in particular. "Give someone a smile and a wave, act friendly and these fools treat you as a GOD," He chuckles.

Gone is the perfect facade of generosity and kindness, as a merciless smile hangs on his face, recalling earlier games he's played.

"How pleasant would it be to have that anchor scream for pleasure at my feet… Hmmm"

"She will have to wait, at least for now." He says removing his blue blazer, embossed with a golden dragon across the chest.

Heading towards the bookcase, he reaches for a book called captive.

Running his hands across the cover, he can't help but think how appropriate.

As he removes it from its place and places it in another resting place the cupboard shelf moves, as a staircase reveals itself.

Making his way underground, the basement is in stark contrast to the luxurious and bright mansion, its dark and eery.

What secrets live within are unknown to outsiders, but the metallic taste that lingers in ones mouth as you enter spurs every single hair and fibre on your body to rise in attention.

Entering the room at the end of the long corridor, beneath, we find the single light above a wooden table, as the large scaled concrete walls holds both man and sound inside.

Making his way towards the table and chair, he examines the object Infront of him. Tracing his fingers on the surface of the object his eyes grow deep with excitement.

"Wakey Wakey" He utters

As the person slowly comes to consciousness, before growing impatient, ruging the hair waking the previous night's female companion.

As her eyes open, she finds his face once more close to hers. Mesmerized and in a daze, lust takes over as she tries to take his lips once more.

Stopping her, her places his index finger on her lips as shakes his head, shifting away from her view, giving her a full look of the room she was now in.

Her eyes widen as her body shivers. Trying to move, she finds herself restrained towards the ground as her hands are cuffed and legs strapped to the chair.

The more her eyes meet the bloodstained room, the wilder her movements become until she falls backwards with a rough bang, causing a painful sting on her back. Screaming to release her.

"Please Jinhyuk! What is this joke, it's not funny let me go! Please"

"What a slut" He says, "Last night you could not wait to satisfy needs and now you wont even satisfy my desire?"

Realisingshe is dealing with a mad man, she pleads hard "Please remove these handcuffs. Don't do this to me ! Please. Let me go, please"

Smirking, he goes closer to her, taking her lips once more, the sweet taste of fear. He raises her chin to have her tearing eyes face his.

In that moment, she doesn't see the gorgeous loving man she slept with but the devil.

"Yesterday you were so ready to be handcuffed baby. What happened now? Huh!"

She cries for help knowing the maniac in front of her can't be reasoned with.

"Shout as much as you want, shout louder for me. Call for god. It's making the desire to slit your throat grow even more."

He slowly moves towards the table where many knives were placed. Slowly tracing his fingers on the edge of each knife before stopping at one, his favourite, the dagger.

Bringing the knife towards her, he places it on her bare chest near the heart

"Do you know… what the dagger signifies? …." He asks, not expecting an answer. "Betrayal."

"Betrayal! Oh Betrayal" He says dramatically " Nothing more cliché, than someone selling not only her body but also the love of her life for her greed"

"You must think, does he know? Maru would never want revenge right? Ding Ding. I know but Maru doesn't.

That man, that innocent man who sacrificed himself for you, who is rotting in prison for the person you killed thinking you would wait for him.

Not knowing that the kind girl who he gave his future up for, who used to seek truth. Sold herself to an old man with money. What a whore, you are.

All I had to was show you a bit of kindness and your panties dropped. And now" He says as he presses at her chest causing blood to drop "when I plunge this into your heart, you will know how it feels to truly break your heart"

"Please!" She begs more, "My child, my little boy. I can't leave him" She begs with tear filled eyes. "Maru, Maru wouldn't want this. He loves me!"

"Want to know a secret?" He asks eagerly, before answering "I don't care about your son or Maru. I'm just obsessed with torturing sluts like you." He says placing the knife deeper.

"Please don't! please!" Screams but no one would come and even if they did no-one in this world could go against him. He thought.

Before long the sounds of struggle ceases as she becomes numb to pain. The black mascara leaves a trail down the side of her cheek as blood drips onto the floor as the girl slowly loses her consciousness.

The man admires his artwork for a few moments before releasing an extreme sound of anger.

"So fucking boring!" He wasn't satisfied, no he barely got any pleasure " What a waste! The least the bitch could do was apologise, until the end she never repented. Bitches like her are honestly the least fun! Argh!! And I thought she would be tastier. How difficult is it to get excellent product these days''

He walks out the room, leaving his work behind, knowing the cleaners will take care of it tomorrow, closing the door and back up the stairs.

Entering the bathroom, he runs his face under cold water as his now disheveled appearance and bloodshot eyes greet him back.

Suddenly the phone in his back pocket rings, answering his secretary's voice to remind him of his appointment.

Not too long after, he left for Incheon international and took a flight to Busan to sign some important international agreement.