
Happy Birthday to Me

As the morning sun rises accompanied by the melodic song of the chirping birds, its warmth creeps through the slightly opened curtains hitting the face of the park family's only daughter. 17-year-old, Kim Jisoo.

The young adult, who can only be described as a fresh beauty. Slowly stirs awake, checking the time she jumps out of bed with a smile.

"I'm late. I'm late. I'm late," she hurriedly rushes to get dressed, putting on a simple T-shirt and jeans. Thanks to her genetic inheritance, even a simple ensemble makes heads turn as her naturally athletic body cannot be hidden.

In two days, she would be turning eighteen, so she decided to head home to Busan early from Seoul.

Spending ones 18th birthday with a hostel full of girls who care more about the size of their boys' members than studying didn't seem like a great time to her.

She hadn't seen her parents in a few months, so she seized the opportunity to spend some quality time with them.

Greeting her mother, who has aged gracefully, she takes the drying cloth from her hands as she helps her with the dishes.

"Morning, Mom. Where are Dad and Jae?"

"Morning, sweetie. Your dad is already at work and your brother is in Seoul for a meeting. He won't be back until Sunday."

"So he won't be back for my birthday?"

"No honey, he apologized. But he did leave you a present."


"Check the fridge"

Opening the door hurriedly she sees a pink cake with the words- happy birthday written across.

"Pink! Really, How old does he think I am!" She says with a giddy smile

"You will always be our little girl," Her mom says as she wraps her arms around her, squeezing her tightly.



After helping out with the household, she heads out, deciding to take in the sights and sounds she hasn't seen in a while. She passes the market, where she greets all the aunts and uncles she grew up with.

"Chief Jisoo! You are back"

"Stop Calling me that aunty"

"Hey, who was the one who gathered all the kids to fight with those delinquents coz they were hurting a puppy"

"Stop reminding me about my great past" She jokes back, as a fleet of black vehicles whiz past and a group of armed black-suited men exit.

Paparazzi who were waiting for his arrival begin circling the figure and main entrance.

"Aunty, what's going on?"

"Oh, I forgot, little Jisoo hasn't been back in a couple of months."

Rolling her eyes, she grabs onto the older ladies arm, "Come-on stop teasing me"

"Well, the reason for all the hullabaloo. Is that the most powerful person in Busan is making his appearance. You better keep away from him, I have already seen a couple of girls lose their souls to the handsome devil."

Suddenly, light from dozens of cameras and flashlights flooded the sky as the tall muscular man emerged out of the darkness. He was dressed in black and holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

His face is mostly hidden from view, but she can only see his black doe-like eyes. They remind her of the night sky.

Surrounded by bodyguards who were making way for him to reach his car. They tower over the crowd as if plucked from the Trojan war itself.

"Looks like a spoiled rich kid. What's so special about him?"

"You don't know him? I would swear all you little kids rave about. Its Jang-hyuk"

"Jang-hyuk?" She asks although the name seemed familiar she couldn't remember where she heard it.

"You should really watch some news, chief !"

After coming home, she places the various fruits she had purchased on the kitchen counter before heading to her room, to search the name "Jang-Hyuk"

Without much trouble, the world wide web showed her the beautiful figure of that young man who made her choke on her own saliva. His eyes really are mesmerizing.

As she spaces out her phone rings, drawing her attention from the screen.

"Hi, Babe! I miss you so much" A males voice echoes through the speaker excitedly

"I miss you too, Min-ho"

"I can't believe you will be gone the entire week. We won't even get to spend your first birthday since we started dating together" He whines

Chuckling at his childishness, "I'll be back soon. Guess what!?"


"I saw Lee Jang-hyuk today, he was really handsome"

"Oh really!? Are you really talking about other men while on the phone with me ?" He teases

"Hahaha you know you will always be number 1 in my heart"

A sudden crash can then be heard in the background from the man's side.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's just momo. I'll check on her now, I think she acting up because she misses her mommy. Come back soon"

"It's just a couple of days you big baby."

He laughs, causing her to smile wider " I love you." He suddenly

She doesn't answer.

"Jisoo? Did the call cut?" He questions before the voice of a mouse answer back "I love you too"

"Say it louder, I can't hear you"


Just as they bicker, a crash is heard in the background again.

"I guess I really have to go and check on a momo. Chat to you later baby bear"


She cuts the call and heads to bed.


When the clock struck twelve, she blew out the candles and cut the cake in the presence of her parents, neighbors, and old childhood friends.

She is now officially a year older at the age of independence and free-living. Eighteen.

After spinning some excuses to her parents that the institute is conducting an internal test to prepare for finals.

She takes the 6-hour flight to Seoul to spend one day with her love. Arriving at 9:45pm the evening of the day, she heads to the cake shop next door, bribing the baker with her patented puppy smile to buy a cake to surprise him.

Entering the elevator, she presses the metallic number 6 button.

Excited at how Minho would react when she showed up unannounced.

Taking out her key, he had given her after 6 months of dating, she tries to use it only to find the door unlocked.

'This idiot' She can't help but chide him mentally.

Walking tip-toed toward the bedroom as the lights for the living room were off, she hears panting voices echo louder and louder.

A stomach turning feeling grows as she twits the knob slightly before seeing the shadows of two people tangled in the throughs of passion.

Not knowing what to do.. She freezes as the cake falls to the floor and the door opens slowly.

Her world seems to shatter into a million pieces.

The adulterer and his lover…. her own roommate, her best friend Suji turn towards her.

Her mind black, not knowing what to say, she can only let out weak

"surprise" As she bursts into tears before turning around heading to the door, and hurriedly putting on her shoes.

Suji looks on unconcerned as Min-ho frantically, tries to find his close as he chases after her

"Jisoo-ah wait!! Let me expla…"

Before she could hear the end of his sentence, she slams the door shut.

He continues, to run after her but she was nowhere to be found.

Looking in every direction on the street outside the apartment, Random onlookers stare at the good-looking man in his shorts and open shirt.

Hiding behind the wall, she hears his cries but hugs her arms across her knees.

"Happy birthday to me" She says as tears continue to roll.