The King Aiglestar was a very Noble Mystic a Man whose existence on the Throne could not be thwarted. He was a Genius and Sovereign Ruler one of supreme inclination of the pros and cons of the castle growth and development of the Land of Carmosa.
Amongst the most compelling Men of Carmosa were Men who could vouch for the King of the Carmosa Kingdom with so much trust and solace that there was peace and strength and succour in the Kingdom.
There was much to accomplish in the Land of Carmosa in the sense that the King Aiglestar had mapped out plans for the uplifting and mysterious growth and development of the castle and land.
There was much to talk about his life and that of his present goals and plans and dreams for the kingdom and for his forthcoming Prince. King Aiglestar had formed a tale for the perfection and vindication of his life.
On a beautiful day and during the week King Aiglestar had summoned all his cohorts and wife and calvarymen to deliver to them a tale that was strange, mysterious and frightening but one that affected the lifestyle and growth and future of the Kingdom. How effective this tale was to be no one could imagine but they all gathered together by the camp fire with their drinks and with some meat roasting in the heat of the fire King Aiglestar was about to say what he had a tale treasured deep inside his mind.
And so the King Aiglestar began the rendition of his eerie tale of the future of the Land of Carmosa and it's forthcoming Prince.
The camp fire was warming the cohorts and it was almost noon and nothing without the King could make the people happy as they sat in suspense awaiting the elocution of speech by the very Noble King.
"There was a time in my life and mind when I King Aiglestar had dreamt and wished for a longlasting salvaging and perfect kingdom". He began saying. "I knew that as the Son and Heir of the previous King of the Throne of Carmosa King Nibilla, that I would be saddled with a lot of dreams and goals and responsibilities to linger upon the throne after my Father. There was such a time when ruling the land of Carmosa felt difficult to ignite but as a Son and being trained in the arts and wisdom of the Kingdom, I saw myself interacting in a dream with the fiercest fairy God of the castle and what he told me was not in the least envisaged and expected". He spoke, "King Aiglestar you are a very Noble and handsome King and Heir and nothing in life would be able to defeat your rule. You would marry Queen Batistas and would be saddled with a lot of responsibility for the Kingdom. Before you fall in love, many other ladies will be attracted to you but the Lady Batistas will whet your craving for love and her beauty and charm would attract you closer to her. Her sport for the kingdom arts would also endear you to her. With Queen Batistas by your side you would make a very prosperous Ruler and there are three horrible witches in the Land whom you do not know who are against your marital success in life to the Queen but you would defeat them by your Noble words and by your love and righteousness to the Queen".
The fiercest fairy God of the castle proceeded in his speech,"You would have died without an heir and Prince to the throne but by the age of 45 after you must have subdued your throne by beautifying it and fortressing it with wisdom,love and power your kind awaited heir would be conceived through joyful lovemaking to the Queen".
The Queen Batistas would be very god-fearing and beautiful and would be able to groom the Prince more than you wished her to do and envisaging that you would want a brave and loving heir She would not relent in her obligation to making you a great Son and Heir and his name shall be called Petrelli Knight for not only shall the Prince be a tough Prince, he shall also be leader of the order of the Knights of the Kingdom".
Jabbo, the fierce fairy God continued, "Petrelli Knight shall have his royal shield and armour of war but not long into his quest for battle would he be bestowed and blessed upon by a white loving fairy with magical sword, shield, armour and helmet which he shall use in his battles against the land of Thickhill kingdom against the King Lord Dartsmall and his calvarymen and Knights. He would be very brave and successful and though he would be trapped and arrested he shall be rescued by his Knights who would be able to see where he would be caged and trapped by the shinning of his light on him above the hilltop of the land of Thickhill".
Jabbo continued, "Petrelli Knight your Son shall not lack any good thing and shall be prosperous in battle and when it comes time to woo a Lover a very lovely beautiful Princess Petrellope shall fall in love with him and be fastened to him in matrimony".
"There would be Three Noble Gods of the land of Carmosa and your Son Petrelli Knight and his Heirs shall be groomed thus and though there is much more to say, the future happenings you King Aiglestar should stalk and discover a very bright future for your progenies and for your kingdom as you would be thrilled with the forthcoming occurrences". At the end of this dream and eerie tale I King Aiglestar awoke and blessed the Gods for the tale, dream and vision and was happy. At that time the King and his Men and Queen had already served themselves with some savoury roast beef and wine and the King's Author and Scribe had penned and scribbled down the whole tale as it was eerie and befitting tale of the throne.