13. Petrelli Knight's Armours and Shields.

The King Aiglestar had begotten alot for his Son, Heir and Prince Petrelli Knight. The Son of King Aiglestar was a born Knight a Soldier to his Father and King he had saved alot of arms and gold in his coffers for his Son.

Amongst the arms that King Aiglestar had possessed in store for his Son included Perseus' Armour and David's Armour these Armours were of variety of colours and designed with choice leather and steel. King Aiglestar placed all these materials in his Armoury for safekeep in a well lit Vintage storeroom, a room inaccessible to strangers and inculpable to theft a neatly arranged room blossoming every year with new designs added to the stock of Armours which he granted as inheritance to his Son Petrelli Knight.

Also in King Aiglestar's coffers were helmets for use by his Son Petrelli Knight and his cohorts. These helmets were made of special gold, silver and bronze steel. They were fitting for different head sizes and as head gear they fit well to be used to protect the head and skull in battle. Also these helmets were of different brands, the Asian, the Roman, and the Greek helmets. Helmets used in wars for protection of the heads and skulls of various kinds were of immense importance royally wise and the King had no choice but to employ them in use for battle by his Son Petrelli Knight and other Knights Templar against other rival Knights of other kingdoms like the Thickhill kingdom or Land.

King Aiglestar also had locked in his Armoury alot of Swords of different brands and of different sizes. They were well smithed swords fabricated by the swordsmith's and utilizable in the art of war. These swords were sharpened and able to be wielded in the palm by it's handle. Petrelli Knight during his training for war was in love with his sword for he loved that his name was printed on his special gold sword specially designed for him. With his sword Petrelli Knight worked wonders by his hands of utmost importance to Petrelli Knight.

Also King Aiglestar was of his possession armed with shields of different sizes and styles for use by his Son and Knights band cohorts in battle. These shields were not too heavy and not too light to be used in defense to block against cuts by swords, lances and arrows. The shields were of very important use and was very vital in defense during wars. Wars those days were very spontaneous and for a Soldier or Thane or Knight to survive and succeed during wars one had to be strong, vigilant and tactical in the use of his weapons of wars. And Shields made one Dodge from the strong piercing of Swords, Arrows,Spears and Lance's so that it fails to pierce through the bodies of the Knights and Soldiers at war.

Bows and Arrows were not missing in the stock of Armours owned by King Aiglestar. These bows and Arrows were of great brands and variety made of wood and steel. They were well fabricated and moulded to fit with strings and cords and arrows with feathered bottom and Sharp heads dipped in poison that once they pierced any human flesh it tended to kill the victim. It only took much suave to resuscitate the victims of such arrow wounds. And King Aiglestar granted his Son some bows and arrows for use in battle.

King Aiglestar also had in his Armoury alot of Sharp Spears beautifully and we'll carved that could pierce through a rocky surface not to talk of human bodies. They each were of particular length and were not easily breakable that they could wound a Knight on the battleground. They were easily strewn and could degalvanize and shock the human body by it's piercing of the victim. So King Aiglestar granted his Son Petrelli Knight alot of Spears to be used in battle kept in stock in his Armoury.

King Aiglestar also had in his Armoury a stock load of lances which were like short Spears to be used in battle for thrusting and piercing through the bodies of warriors in battle. These lances were well smithed and carved to be used in battle by renowned Warriors for piercing through Armours during battle. The Lance's were of great importance like Spears in the hands of warriors and Knights which King Aiglestar also bequeathed to his Son Petrelli Knight and his cohorts and Knights Templar and other Knights.