Of all the things and weapons made and begotten by King Aiglestar for his Son Petrelli Knight, no one knew that Petrelli Knight would beget other weapons to be used during war as delivered by the Fairy Magician so much that it made Petrelli Knight fearless and invincible in battle.
Petrelli Knight awoke one morning and as a Knight with his Cohorts, calvarymen and Knights made some horseriding exercise in the woods after their breakfast. They were few meters away from the side of the woods when they what seemed to be a vision of smoke and fire in the woods. Petrelli Knight and his Knights drew closer and at close range saw some figure that looked apparently somewhat like a white spotless fairy. This fairy was of a rare apparition and the other Knights failed to draw closer to the fairy so they waited at a distance while Petrelli Knight in all boldness knowing full well that the fairy was pitched at his tent for a reason therefore he decided that he went to chat and inquire from the Fairy.
Petrelli Knight left his cohorts at a distance and approached the Fairy. The Fairy on seeing the Knight Petrelli greeted him with warm aura and ambience that the sight of him startled Petrelli Knight in the greeting. In a few words, the Fairy introduced himself as Fierce Fairy Magician Jabbo. Jabbo set Petrelli Knight down as he motioned that he summoned the other Knights bidding them waiting.
After Petrelli Knight sat down to be entertained by the Fairy, Jabbo made some tricks and first produced a Magical Ring which had the power of transforming Petrelli Knight invisible once he placed it on his ring finger. Petrelli Knight received the ring with much glee and joy as he wore it and became somewhat invisible as he could not see his body, arms, legs and all but as by intuition he removed the magical ring, Petrelli Knight became visible and could see himself fully.
Next on the gifts granted by Jabbo to Petrelli Knight was his armour. This Armour was of extreme importance in that when Petrelli Knight wore it in battle he was able to fight graciously as no arrow, Lance, spear or sword could cut or pierce him during battle even without protection of his shield. The Fairy Magician Jabbo advised Petrelli Knight that he always went out with his Armours which he bestowed in three quantities of different brands to be used in battle. Petrelli Knight received the Armours with much glee and excitement as he wore one of its pieces and tried cutting or piercing himself with his sword and knife but found it difficult to cut or pierce through his armed skins. This gift also excited Petrelli Knight.
Petrelli Knight did not see any other weapon around the fairy and he began to think that the Fairy Magician Jabbo had delivered most or all the gifts. Petrelli Knight began to forget that the fierce fairy was by himself a Magician. So Jabbo by the striking of his two palms fabricated some helmets, some gold and silver Swords, some shields, bows and arrows, Spears, Lance's and war boots or shoes.
Jabbo gave Petrelli Knight some Magical Helmets which could grant Petrelli Knight brain stimulation during wars, head guard and protection and invisibility. Petrelli Knight got hold of the Three helmets and wearing one on his head discovered his invisibility and brain storm by which he was able to think that the Fairy Magician should have a way to be visited or contacted many days after his appearance. And on removal of the magical helmet the thought and reasoning stopped abruptly.
Fierce Fairy Magician Jabbo also gifted the Son of King Aiglestar some golden and silver steel magical swords such that had the potency of being a torch and could spark some fire through its edge during battle by the touch of the magical handle. Again Petrelli Knight took the bundle of swords and this time instead of testing their efficacy and powers trusted Jabbo's words for it was in truth and in righteousness that Jabbo presented and delivered his Magical gifts to the worthy Prince and Heir to King Aiglestar's throne in the Land of Carmosa.
After Jabbo had presented the swords, he took time to fabricate some roast beef and wine and offered Petrelli a bulk of its chunk and advised that Petrelli Knight ate this menu daily so that he harnessed strength and energy to fight graciously in battle. The cohorts of Petrelli Knight from their distance where they lay in wait for their Prince on perception of the savoury aroma of the roast veal which Petrelli Knight received from the Fairy Magician Jabbo, immediately Petrelli Knight took some of the beef and wine to his Knights and they ate and drank to their fill along with Petrelli Knight who also saved some of it to serve his Father on his return to the castle in advise for his daily meal and dieting.
Fairy Magician Jabbo also gifted Petrelli Knight with three shields each made of choice steel and had a mirror and glowing light in and out of them. The immense power of this shield made it possible also for Petrelli Knight to see in the dark while in battle utilizing his shields as the golden light and mirror made Petrelli Knight more invincible by the use of these potent shields which could not crack or break and was not so heavy to lift. Petrelli Knight received these three shield pieces and was glad as it shone beautifully in his hands.
The fierce fairy Magician also gifted Petrelli Knight with some bows and arrows such that had the powers of hitting the target without necessarily directing the focus on his victim. These bows and arrows like that of Robin Good was very magical and to test it's powers Petrelli Knight abruptly targeted some pawpaw on a tree at a distant view that was ripened, big and strong and on hitting the fruit it came falling down pierced through it. This gift of bows and arrows made Petrelli Knight glad for he knew that a thousand Knights could be targeted and shot at a rare range and be struck dead. Petrelli Knight was very glad on reception of the bows and arrows which were of different species and types.
In use in battles also in those days of Knighthood were Spears of various not too long but Sharp Spears that could pierce through the heaviest thick skinned Mammal, a Whale or an Hippopotamus. This spear as granted to Petrelli Knight was very sharp and different with edges that could be covered if not in use and which could easily be pulled out of the victim and these Spears had a cover on the bottom like a strong umbrella. Petrelli Knight also appreciated these weapons.
Also Petrelli Knight received some lances which he was advised could fly to hit target on its own just by directing it to the target and sticking it's cord. It was capable of piercing it's victim three inches deep. Petrelli Knight was also very glad about keeping this gift.
Lastly Fierce Fairy Magician Jabbo also equipped Petrelli Knight with some War Boots or Shoes. These shoes were very light to put on and very good for running the battleground of Carmosa. Petrelli Knight was so grateful on receipt of these gifts and they were too much and very heavy to convey to the castle that Petrelli Knight required help from his cohorts and they took the gifts from the Fairy Magician Jabbo home and Petrelli Knight intimated his Father the tale of the visit of the Fairy introduced in the woods telling him how he had been blessed with magical weapons to be used specially by him as Petrelli Knight gladly reverred the gods of his Father.