16. The Quest for a Bride.

Petrelli Knight was almost thirty years old when by the injunction of his Parents he had to search for a Bride and marry.

There were lots of pretty Maidens in the Carmosa Kingdom in those days and to search for a promising Maiden, a Queen of hearts was very difficult to ignite as most of the Maidens were either anxious or rather had low self-esteem and could not qualify for the state of Bride of for himself.

Petrelli Knight therefore summoned all the Beautiful Maidens in the Land of Carmosa for a test to select or choose a Bride for himself.

First of the competition for the Beautiful Maidens was their bathing in the Carmosa Pool. With the Maidens bathing with stripped off clothes and denuded they each bathed in turns in a bid to seduce the Prince. And of all the Maidens that bathed beautifully with stripped off bodice in the pool no one of them seduced the Prince as Maiden Petrillope who was the best in the contest of seduction.

There wasn't just a single test for the qualification and selection of a Bride. Of the next competition was that of the Maiden that was best in the knowledge and skills of the art of Knighthood. There were Eleven Maidens each contesting for the post of Petrelli Knight's Bride and they were tested in the fields of fencing or sword fighting, Archery and Horseriding and other skills of Armour wearing and running. The only Lady or Maiden that passed the test was Maiden Petrillope who excelled in all the skills. It seemed like she had been practicing Knighthood all her life for her to have mastered all it's skills. Petrillope was not only beautiful and charming but also She possessed awesome skills and talents of Knighthood.

Other tests abound for the selection bof a Bride for the Prince Petrelli Knight. Next of such competitions or conquests was that of perfect cooking and culinary skills and talents. All the Eleven Maidens were invited to the Castle Kitchen where each Maid was used to prepare dishes which the Prince Petrelli Knight had to taste as a Cournessiour of the dishes and they also made some wine to go down with the meals prepared of what each Maid thought to be the finest recipe. Maid Petrillope in this competition decided to serve her meal and wine last for she wanted to produce great taste on the buds of the tongue of the Prince Petrelli Knight after tasting of the other Ten Maidens whose dishes were tasted randomly and they seemed a little sweet and the foods were of various varieties ranging from Rice to Noodles, Roast Veals to Grilled Chicken to Soups, Spiced Fish, and the lot. These were made and prepared by each of the Eleven Maidens. After having tasted all the meals prepared by the Ten Maidens, Petrelli Knight knew they tasted sweet but after having tasted of Maiden Petrillope's dishes and wine it seemed to amongst all the dishes taste the best possessing all that Petrelli Knight wanted and desired in taste of dishes and wine

Of all the competitions for the best selected Bride for the Prince Petrelli Knight there was the competition for the best Housekeeper one that would sweep and clean up the castle, the furniture and dryclean the clothes, tunics and apparels and lay the beds for the Prince Petrelli Knight to lay on. In this contest also Maiden Petrillope's won the competition so that the joy of Petrelli Knight of the Maiden Petrillope's was growing steadily as she was pretty perfect even at sweeping, cleaning the furniture, cooking, laundring the clothes and laying the beddings surpassing the other Ten Maidens to the test.

The Prince Petrelli Knight also had slated for the choice of Bride a competition for the best Actress. There was a drama show slated to set the game for the best Actress who would also become the best Bride for the Prince. The drama involved speaking well, good body language and gesticulation, singing well and acting as an Heroine and dancing. Of all the Maidens in this competition the Maiden Petrillope's stood out gallantly tall with much pride as she bestormed the drama more than a perfect Heroine and as an Heiress in the drama, The Perfect Princess of the Carmosa Heights.

Petrelli Knight also had another competition for the selection process of his Bride and Lover. This competition had to do with singing and dancing. And of the Eleven Maidens two Dancers came up close to the prize and they were Maidens Damsole and Petrillope but of them both Petrillope emerged best making belly dancing and popular dance steps that her twists and turns were best preferred by the Audience which included Petrelli Knight the Prince.

Petrelli Knight in his order and injunction for his Bride and Lover desired one who would whet his craving in the aspect of gardening or best put horticulture and farming. Three Maidens almost won the test they were Kotile and the other two winners of the dancing competition Damsole and Petrillope. But of the three best Gardeners of the competition Petrillope emerged best for her style of gardening was very unique and specially dynamic as she trimmed the leaves and flowers and grass granting them a particular shape and planting flowers that had a romantic fragrance that the garden granted Petrillope was fantastic to behold thereby making the Audience awestruck.

Of the last competition for the selection of a choice Bride for the Prince Petrelli Knight was that of the competition of brains for the best lettered, knowledge and wisdom. For She not only made good speeches she also was the best writer able to write books on Justice, Knighthood, Economics and Medicine. And Petrillope who also being a Maiden was a great Authouress and Teacher as she emerged best learned. Making her stand tall on her ground and zest for wisdom, learning and teaching.