28. The Royal Hullabaloo and Brouhaha.

The land of Carmosa was splendidly of immense royalty and beauty. It was the richest land and possessed the best edifices and the wisest Rulers that ever existed in Paris or any foreign or native land.

There was initially no problem in the Land or troubles about it's existence between Father, Mother and Son for Rulers of the Carmosa Kingdom had overtime lived in peace and sojourned peacefully in other abode when invited to meeting with other lands by their Rulers.

The whole enclaves of the Carmosa Castle and lands were peacefully inhabited upon and much of Solomon's wisdom was applied and employed in the Land's judgement by it's rulers which yielded great fruits and production capacities in the Land as it was very wholesome bringing forth lots of prolific results in mining and agriculture. The successes the Rulers of Carmosa derived in battle and war and about Petrelli Knight's goals and awesome beliefs and target in divinity that even at their periods of relaxation the land was at peace and there were standby Knights and Guards for security as night watchmen. And sometimes Petrelli Knight and his Father had to on intervals defy sleep to be able to watch over the security of the castle thereby being security conscious.

There seemed to be some problems and Brouhaha brewing in the Carmosa Kingdom. They were spurned out of problems with the King which was disapproved by Petrelli Knight and his Mother Queen Batistas.

Of the quadruple problems of the kingdom of Carmosa was the King Aiglestar's decision to take a new bride into his matrimonial home thereby despising his wife who was still married and not divorced, not caught in the problem of infidelity. Miss Batuwa was a very pretty Damsel who caught the eye of King Aiglestar so he thought so he thought it wise to strike a new relationship by proposing to this new damsel whose heart and beauty very well pleased the King. Batuwa happened to hail from Jadeland City to be precise and Petrelli Knight and his Mother Queen Batistas were both against the King's decision to remarry a foreign wife. Though Miss Batuwa was very pretty Babe and of good quality morals and values, Petrelli Knight and other members of the Carmosa Dynasty were displeased with wondering what had befallen the King to make him undertake such a decision as it was against their laws and custom for the King to possess two wives or Queens. As it wasn't that Queen Batistas was caught in infidelity or was not submissive to her husband the King Aiglestar, no! Rather the Queen Batistas was very beautiful attractive even as she was fair, blonde and huge and sexy. But Miss Batuwa was dark complexioned, petite and sexy. She was also so attractive in such a way it burned passion to ignite one's chance at love thereby whetting one's craving and desire. And the whole Carmosa Dynasty was filled with quarrels between the King and Queen with Petrelli Knight buttressing the points of his Mother thereby supporting her.

Also Petrelli Knight was troubled for his Father King Aiglestar believed so much in aging and ultimately death. However Petrelli Knight was against this belief and felt he would live from generation to generation and instead of death which his Father thought was inevitable and timely. Petrelli Knight believed in the resurrection of the dead back into life and glory. And in a world without end, Petrelli Knight believed in and craved for. King Aiglestar found it surreal to believe in a life till eternity and infinity.

The King Aiglestar also believed much in the vanity of Life that life was useless and that no one took anything or possessed anything till the end of his life as everyone had a price and a stake to make in life and end up losing everything to their heirs and forebears. He believed that there was nothing new under the Sun and also that one could not multiply his goods as he desired for one way or the other one would lack some quantity and quality goods as the nobles sometime suffer lack while the poor celebrate wealth. The vanity of Life was an issue believed in and dreaded much by King Aiglestar as it was scribbled wisely in his wisdom parchments and scrolls as well as King Solomon's book of Ecclesiastes where the King Solomon spoke like a tested and tried Philosopher. Yet Petrelli Knight disbelieved in vanity but in progress and bounty and multiplication of goods, needs, services and vineyards, that one existed in much growth and happiness until eternity.

King Aiglestar was blessed with different works and facets to life, he argued his belief in one job that no man could perform at more than one task in life and given talent. That no one was a Jack of all trades, such was King Aiglestar's belief. But Petrelli Knight was a perfect sancrosanct who belief in doing many as a Jack of all trades and master of all carving alot of mettle. This conflicting beliefs between Father and Son was too conflicting that it caused several issues in the kingdom as King Aiglestar warned his Son Petrelli Knight on his rules of perfection that he should concentrate on fewer jobs and occupations.