29. The Mane of Lions.

The Members of the Royal House of Carmosa were very responsible and well respected folks. They were very handsome and beautiful with bright faces, great muscles and strength. They were more successful in life and in their wonderful arts of war that both Father and Son thought it best to envision handsomeness and strength of a magnificent and marvellous contention.

Petrelli Knight and his Father King Aiglestar made a solemn inquiry about the ways to perfect for being only warriors and Knights wouldn't make much sense they needed to go into preeminence in a ephemeral and phenomenal quality and beautiful face and body instead of just being wise and rich only possessing the wealthiest kingdom, they insisted on crowning all with beauty and handsomeness. So they inquired from the Soothsayers of the land. The Soothsayers all new naught and were at loss at the idea and knowledge of beauty therapy. At about the tenth month of inquiry, Queen Batistas the Queen and Wife to King Aiglestar spoke up, "Honey, keep and your hairs into a mane of Lions and emollify your skins with whiteners. King Aiglestar and Petrelli Knight doubted the truth value of the statement but wondered what hairstyle to wear and keep for they both had receding hairlines on their scalps.

Petrelli Knight and his Father therefore decided that they both wear pony-tailed like the mane of Lions and they both believed that despite being handsome they would transform into the strongest, healthiest and most perfect in their ways as the most admired leaders that ever lived.

The Royal Leaders of Carmosa went into purchasing beauty materials including soaps, creams, and hair relaxers, dyes and hair shampoos. They were fascinated with the fact and dream of a handsome and quality complexion and body which included little exercise once a year for body fitness as they both believed in everlasting spines the health of the bones and limbs by sleep and great dieting.

Petrelli Knight and his Father King Aiglestar had begun the use of soap, spirits and creams to condition their hairs and white creams and lotions to their credit at fairness by religiously utilizing the potents till they began to glow to the taste of the potent Seers of their times who were into drama and music.

The process of grooming the manes were quite easy as it involved washing with relaxers, rinsing with shampoos and drying them. Later the applications of haircreams or lotions was the trend for the grooming of manes. This trend was to be repeated every three months while during the other months they were meant to leave their hairs and scalps dry by just the application of spirits and balm for the keeping and protection of the growing manes.

Petrelli Knight and King Aiglestar therefore went through a period of sowing of their trendy manes and hairs. They grew long manes with a apparently patented hairstyle well relaxed and well groomed which sprouted out their handsomeness and beauty.