CHAPTER 51: Development

Initially, for the first couple of days it was hectic with kara. The poor thing didn't know what was going on, and was utterly lost, but she eventually adapted and realized that we weren't really bad people. (first week)

Eventually, throughout the second week, her tense aura slowly dissipated overtime, which allowed communication much better compared to before. The next was the language barrier. This was was not a big issue with how fast kryptonians were capable of understanding, processing and memorizing information.

But she did have a bit of an issue pronouncing said words, but she got over it after another three days of learning. Truly, having a powerful mind is a superpower in itself. With that out of the way, communication became even easier between us. (first week)

However, me and Diana couldn't keep her couped up within my home, she was showing signs of wanting to leave. To see the world she landed on, and I couldnt blame her. I would too.


" How about this? We both take you to get clothes of your choosing Kara. Zane, what do you say? "

The question I never wanted to get asked. EVER. A man has to face life's toughest challenge at some point (women with their shopping), but it's better early then later at the most.

" Sure, I don't see why not. Ready Kara? "

" OF COURSE I'M READY! I'm Soo excited, thanks zane! Thanks Diana. "

She said with glee. Surprisingly running towards me to give me a hug. Seeing it from a mile away, I simply accepted it, but let me tell you something, when I tell you it's literally bone crushing I am not lying, I must have had a mini fracture from it.

Diana's eyes sharpened for a moment, but relaxed in the next, sighing. I however, obviously caught onto what was happening, so I defused the situation quickly.

" Alright. Lets go ladies, and please kara, be careful of your strength. "


To say I hate shopping would be an understatement. I fucking LOATHE it, when it came to women, the only reason why I wasn't making a deal out of it yet was because they were gorgeous, that's it. If any normal male came into contact with such beautiful women, they would probably jump them in my shoes.


Even though it sounds a bit 'cringy', it's 100% true. I don't know what level of rizz those other reincarnates/transmigrators had to create harems with the whole cheerleading band on their side. It's clear that both D and K wouldn't approve of such things, regardless if they loved me or not.

They had their pride as women, and that was something I could deeply respect in both of them. Even though I had some connection with Diana that had been growing over the past two weeks, it seemed that kara was showing signs as well.

Yes, I wasn't oblivious to her changes, even if it's most likely physical attraction. I never ceased my exercise in my home, and she had times when she would be staring at my figure for a bit, and there were times when I would stare at hers, respectively, since she didn't truly know how to really dress appropriately... or perhaps it was on purpose.

Regardless, I still had feelings and emotions like every other man that graced the planet, and it was normal to feel what this was, but I could somewhat control the urges better than most.

I just hope I don't end up falling in love with either... I don't want to get too attached.

An infinitesimal sliver in my mind keeps telling me that this just might be all a game, easily erased and manipulated, but I try to hide those thoughts a lot as of late... Hoping I won't lose my sanity because of it.






~ Karas Pov 2 weeks prior ~

When I woke up, I found myself staring up at a strange-looking ceiling.

' Where is my... pod? '

I thought groggily. My mind felt hazy and heavy about the situation.

Feeling what was around me, I felt the softness of a bed, similar to that on krypton. Which reminded of the disaster that happened however long ago...

Snapping out of my small trance, my mind went immediately to kal.

' Did he land safely!?... Is he alive!!? Is he even in safe hands!!!? '

My mind went a mile a second, trying to access what was going.

Looking to the side. I saw a raven haired woman, tall, strong and exceedingly attractive, seemingly a warrior of some sort looking at the how developed her arm and leg muscles were.

Next to her was a... man? Titan!?

He was large, extremely so, at least 7 feet tall.

And I could even feel his strength from here, his body seemingly built for war.

Taking a closer look, I realized that his musculature... was unreal.

It was unusual of me to think something like this in such a situation...

But to me, it was strangely something to admire.

It was what the soldiers were dreaming of back on krypton. Extremely broad shoulders with thick and developed arms, his legs graced with muscles I have never seen before.

Any fool could tell this person was a warrior. He had muscles no kryptonian had ever developed, and it was proportioned in all the right places, as if it was perfectly carved.


In the next moment both turned and were now completely alerted of me, and I panicked. I still don't know what these creatures wanted from me and in the next moment. I started floating without my own realization.

My mind finally grasped the situation, and I was out of my element. I asked them hoping they could speak my language. Then I saw the titan speak something to the woman as if telling her to not make rash movements.

But an unknown pressure struck me. I felt it oozing off the woman as she was ready to fight.

Fear took over, and I screamed and asked about where I was and who they were.

They were silent.

That was until the man spoke, trying to respond.

Asking more of him.

He now responded, now speaking my language, and now I was confused.

' Was he kryptonian? '

That was impossible! There was only kal and me that was left. So that either means that he's somehow a renegade/exiled kryptonian or he somehow managed to learn my language after that brief interaction...







