CHAPTER 52: The truth and discovery

~A couple hours after the last chapter~

'I don't want to do anything like that again. I would rather go to a champion zone...'

"You okay Zane? You seem exhausted..."

"I'm fine, kara, I just had stuff on my mind, it's fine. Really."

"...Okay, I'll believe you for now"

Kara had gotten attached to me quickly over the time she spent with both me and Diana. However the relationship with the latter is a bit... tense at times, but they were on decent terms...


I had a growing question for a while now, the system was the only one who could confirm whether I was right or not.






'System... Just out of a bit of curiosity... are those fan transformations achievable from the dragon ball community?'

[...Which answer would you prefer? The lie or the truth?]

'...Give me the truth...'

[...They exist... saiyans don't have a limit on transformations, it is in their nature to keep evolving. Furthermore, transformations are a way for a saiyan to overcome their prior limitations. Think of them as a physical bottleneck, only achieved through a certain level of strength and conditions. However, the higher the transformation, the more exponential the multiplier will be and conditions of maintaining said form, but the good news is, is that all forms can be mastered.

However, attempting to master them is a... tough task]

When I heard that. I was both surprised and unsurprised.

'Does that mean that ssj6 is exactly how it is?'

[Yes... as well as its drawbacks, even ssj 10, but since you have 'reactive evolution', it will automatically rewire any form you have, but it will take time]

'Thats really...'

[Cringe? Yeah, I know. Interesting enough, there was one reincarnate that achieved ssj13 once... but with your bloodlines, even I don't know what sort of mutation may occur within the forms]




Hearing this, I know I had some more work to do. Though, I also realized something else.

'Do you perhaps treat transformations as skills?'

[Yes, they are considered both an active and passive skill. Hence they can be re-wired, potentially combined...]

'Now you're just getting me excited.'

As cringy as it may be, I was still curious about how far I could go. The next stop is for the next zone, it's going to be the perfect place to train and test alternative forms. To go even further beyond if you will.

A new goal was made today, and this one, I think I'll love.

For now, I needed to speak about things with Diana when we got home.


"You know D, remember what I told you about parker and the other mutants?"

"...Yes, I do, and I still don't believe something as atrocious as that.

Hell. I refuse to believe someone could even go under Bruce's radar for that long, including Lex as well.

They are the brightest minds on the planet, even Mr. Stark as well, possibly even Parker himself"




"...You would be correct, but in this universe, there are endless possibilities, D. One simply has to look for them. Want me to tell you something else that's hard to believe?

"Do tell Zane..."

"Well, for starters, I didn't have to be found in the first place. I could have made my existence enigmatic to you all.

But a part of me wanted to be here. To fit in, so I decided why not with others like me?"


'What he says isn't impossible... He has shown signs of intellect thats rather mind-boggling... but to say he got caught on purpose is like mockery to us heroes.'

"... So you happened to just get caught on purpose?"

"Yes and whether you believe me or not, is up to you D. Plus-"




"-You have a dance, and I will be seeing you, tomorrow" I continued. Waving goodnight.

Scoffing for a bit, she decided to respond.

"We WILL be continuing this conversation another time"

"Ohhh~ SCARY"

With mock anger she left, leaving me and kara alone for the day.

"Sooo... what do you wanna do in the mean time?"

"Yeah... sorry to tell you this, kara, I'll be leaving for a couple of hours too."

"Awww, come on! Theres nothing to do here other than boring video games."

"I am really excited for this. I'll make it up to you. What do you say?"


"Yeah. You can ask me anything if it's within my power."

Kara smirked, an evil one at that. While Zane, he shivered.

"Well then...

Since it's anything... I want to see your face. You always cover it up, and the mystery is killing me."

"No can do, Kara, that one is off limits. Ask something else"

Looking down, I sensed she got saddened by the rejection... and now she was making the puppy dog eyes... and now she's making the puppy dog face.

"FINE! BUT! Diana has to be here for it, I don't want you to tease her about it. Deal?"

"Deal! Oh and btw, break this promise and I will do things to you may or may not like."

"Haha... Yeah..."

With that, I left to the next zone to train. Albeit, with a terrified feeling.


'System, You know the drill'

[You bet!




With that, I immediately left where I was and was greeted with gravity that sank my very skin down.


It was agonizing. My body was constantly fighting against the environment. I felt a leap in my strength every moment that passed, but those increases were mild at best.

However, I was committed.

With at least 5 hours a day, with my adaptability, it might take 2 weeks to adapt to the gravity completely with my weights on. The beasts could come next.

Right now, my base needed the increase, and I needed to grind. Then I could test potential transformations.

Even though I couldnt stand yet, I was at least getting lighter bit by bit. 25k gravity was seriously no joke.

But the idea alone that I could get stronger pleased me, the saiyan cells within me were raging for strength.

And who am I to ignore their call?






