Ch 2 Day 2-6



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I figured 'may as well'.)

Day two, let's go!

Well, it's the second day of my new life and... I can't do shit!

I still in the infant stage for another day, only tomorrow will I get to actually move!!!

Haah... Whatever, I'm gonna go back to sleep.


- Day 3 -

I can finally walk!! Yaay!

I don't really have a good grasp of my motor functions yet, so I decided to do some exercises. Stretches, push ups, sit ups, side ways jumps, some martial arts, this weird exercise I once read about where you draw circles on the ground big enough for one foot and then you have to move around while switching between circles. That shit was tiring.

After exercising for half a day, I ate some bugs that were given to me and then went to sleep.

- Day 4 -

"Go out and get your own food."

With those much anticipated words, I went and grabbed a goblin and took him to hunt. I have no idea if this is Kichi or not, all these green fuckers look the same. Ugly as hell.

The only ones I can differentiate between are the girls, who look significantly better. Still pretty ugly though.

Anyways, back to my first hunt. Thankfully, I had the originals experience, so that made things way easier.

I decided to use the same strategy of having my little tool, the goblin I brought with me, chase after a single horned rabbit and send it my way, where I would jump it and kill it.

After killing it, I didn't waste any time, I separated it and handed the goblin a leg to eat while taking the majority for myself, along with acquiring a new weapon.

It was still pretty early, so we continued the hunt for awhile longer, getting two more rabbits, which let me get the [Escape] ability.

It got to late afternoon and the sun would be setting soon, so I decided it was time to head back, there was just one thing I had to do before that though.

I started to slowly walk back, I carefully searched the area while the goblin followed behind me completely carefree of everything.

After making sure there was no one around, even triple checking the trees, I slowed to a stop right next to a tree and took a look around it, then signal the goblin to come over and take a look.

The goblin confusedly did as I said and took a look, but he found nothing. He was about to turn around and ask what he was supposed to see, but suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his back.

I had stabbed him, quite literally, in the back.

The goblin turned his head to look at me with confusion and anger from my betrayal, but I just smirked while digging deeper with the horn.

"I don't need you anymore, sorry not sorry."

Without being able to respond, the goblin dropped to the ground dead.

I double checked he was dead by piercing his head. I didn't need some vengeance seeking asshole coming for me because I was overconfident and accidentally left him alive.

After killing him, I took my horn and went back to the cave. I would have ate him if it wasn't for the fact that I know it would be pointless.

When I got back to the cave, I found a nice corner and went to sleep.

- Day 5 -

In the morning the first thing I did was a small amount of exercise, nothing strenuous.

After exercising, I found another random goblin, which actually was Kichi this time round, then I took him for a hunt.

Unfortunately, I couldn't use the same method as yesterday. Why? The moron fucking died! He ruined my damn plan!!

A rabbit came charging at him and he stood there like a goddamn test dummy. How do these guy even exist when they're this dumb!?

I was pretty sure I could hunt alone, but I didn't feel like testing my luck. Again, I won't overestimate myself.

I may not have watched anime or read manga, but I did like video games and if Dark Soul taught me anything it's that you're never over prepared. Even a fucking mob will kill you if you're not careful.

So, yeah, I'm standing over Kichi's corpse while eating his killer and then I suddenly thought of a way he can still be useful.

Just like he lived, his body was capable of taking a head on attack.

So, with an evil smirk, I started dragging his body away to another area.

I wanted something other than Horned Rabbits.

Dragging his body was a pain, but I got would say it was worth it.

I got an believable amount of kills.

I just propped his body up against a tree, which I hid in above his body and waited for my prey to fall into the trap.

2 Horned Rabbits, 1 Night Viper, 3 Lost Tanuki's.

I got super lucky with the viper if I'm honest. I waited until it had half consumed the bait before dropping on it and smashing its head with a rock I prepared just incase.

[Thermography], [Venom], [Poison Resistance], [Presense Sensor], [Evil Eye] and [Evil Eye Resistance]. When I said I got 'super lucky', I meant it. I got all of it's abilities.

I also got the [Grow Armoured Shell] ability from the Tanuki.

After eating, I went back to the cave for some much deserved sleep.

- Day 6 -

When I woke up, I was met with the face of an ugly little green girl and almost shit myself.

"Hello... Can I help you?"

She just kept staring at me for a good minute and I was starting to get annoyed if I'm honest.

I was about to speak up again, but she finally spoke herself.

"You're Goblin Rou, right?"

I nodded.

"How do you get such good food? And why do you keep coming back all alone when you always leave with someone?"

Honestly I was surprised to be questioned like this. I didn't expect any of these dumb goblins to be so observant or inquisitive.

"What's your name?"

I was pretty sure I knew who she was as there was only really one such goblin that fit, but I asked just to be sure.

"Goblin Mi."

(How do you actually say her name? Me or My? I think it's Me.)

Yep, it was who I thought it was. It did fit with the time that OG Rou talked to her.

"Do you really want to know?"

She, of course, nodded with a determined face which made me smirk.

"Okay, give me a little time to exercise."

With that, I ignored her and started doing my morning exercises.

After finishing, I turned to find that Mi hadn't moved and was instead watching me with admiration, which felt weird considering I was only doing basic stuff.

"Now that I'm done, follow me."

I turned and walked away.

I went up to a random goblin once more and got him to follow me. This got Mi's attention as it was what I did the previous two days.

I took us quite some distance before I stopped and turned to my two followers.

I looked at the male first, then turned to Mi.

"You wanted to know how I get good food and why I come back alone, right? Well this is why."

I went over to the male and stabbed him up through the bottom of his mouth, right through to his brain. Hahaha! He didn't even see it coming when I was right in front of him, that's how dumb these guys are!

Mi was shocked and horrified that I just killed our teammate.


I looked at her with my ever present grin.

"Because I'm stronger and smarter than him. He is just a weak idiot that should be happy that his death will make me, make US stronger."

I walked over to her, making her step back and fall over in fear. I then put my hand on her cheek and looked her in the eye.

"You on the other hand, you're not like the rest of our stupid race, you're smart. I don't need idiots, even if they are strong. So, here's my offer, you will be mine, you will do what I say and I will make sure you get whatever you want, good food, strength, pretty things that catch you attention. Or you can go back and continue living like the rest, being weak and fearing whether you will get to eat or not today."

At first, she looked terrified, but the more I talked and offered her a better life, the more she appeared thoughtful and when she heard me say she could continue living like the rest, she became scared, scared of living a pathetic life.

She struggled with her thoughts for a minute before finally looking at me resolutely with tears threatening fall.

"I will be yours. Whatever you want from me, I will give. Just please don't make me stay let the others."

My grin couldn't possibly get any bigger. I brought her head into my chest and tried my best to stop myself from bursting into laughter.

She started to cry into my chest from relief.

I was quite happy with this result, it would have been a shame if she refused. A real shame...

After a few minutes, we got to what we were there for, hunting.

Repeating the same process of laying the goblin corpse as bait and waiting in the trees, we got even more prey together than I did yesterday alone.

Yesterday, I had to be careful when groups of two or more appeared, but with Mi here armed with a Horn, we could take one each when there are two and take three by working together.

5 Horned Rabbits and 4 Lost Tanuki's.

No Vipers today, but that didn't really matter, I already had their abilities and Mi couldn't eat it because of the poison.

I even got the [Endurance] ability from the Tanuki's.

In between kills, I dismantled all of the prey as best as I could, so I had some stuff to work with when we get back.

We had a pretty good hunt, so I decided to return early, but made some detours and went to the dry riverbed where I should be able to get the black ore that my counterpart obtained.

I easily got the ore and and some other stuff, then we returned to the cave.

Considering we arrived earlier than I would usually, I decided to start working on our equipment. Making some knives from the black ore and a slingstaff for Mi.

I couldn't even use the pelts from the prey because of how poorly I dismantled them.

While I was busy with this, Mi just stayed by my side and watched. Occasionally she would look away and towards the other goblins, her eyes clearly held contempt for them, it would seem that I planted a seed of superiority in her. Oh well, so long as she doesn't try something funny with me, we'll be good.

After a while, we went to sleep, Mi was a little to close for comfort, but I managed to get to sleep. It's seriously irritating though, I'm feeling pent up and the fact that we only wear rags isn't helping, neither is the naturally high libido of a goblin. Unfortunately, I have standards and want to atleast be a hobgoblin before doing any of that.

(I'm surprised no one complained about the fact that he got Lust as a waifu.

Considering this is basically just a fuck fest ff, I thought to ask if you just want all the sins to be females. I was originally thinking for Gluttony to be a fatty and for Greed to be a Dragon, but things change.

I also need names for all of the other sins.)