Ch 3 Day 7

(Okay, I guess I will make the sins female. Ya damn hornballs...)

- Day 7 -

It's the seventh morning and everything is just great.


You might be thinking, 'Huh? Rou? What's wrong for you to be so mad? Chill bruh.'

And to that I would say, 'FUCK OFF!!!'

But, let me tell you why I'm so mad right now. The reason is that these fucking mongrels tried to attack me in my sleep.

Luckily, ever since I got [Presence Sensor] from the Viper, I've had it active at all times and wasn't caught off guard by the shits.

So, I'm now surround by four dead goblins while the rest of the shits are looking at me in fear. Why are they so scared? That's because I put my new knife to the test and Kanata's experience to use. (Kanata is the name of the og Rou. I will use that name from now on when I talk about him.)

This left me with four mutilated bodies to take care of. But first...

"I hope this made something clear to all of you. Do. Not. Test. Me!"

After making myself clear, I dragged two of the bodies away while Mi got the other two. She didn't seem at all perturbed and instead seemed to look at them like they trash who got what they deserved.

I decided to put the bodies to the only thing they're good for. Catching prey.

It was raining today, so I don't think that I will actually get anything, but is worth a go. I just really want to evolve already. I don't know why, but I have been feeling more and more like I have to do it before Kanata did. Not just that I have to, but that I want to. I have to be better than him! I want to be better than him! Even if I have to take some risks.

Fortunately, I think I know of a way to get a lot of kills with only a little danger.

There are tunnels that you can find here and there in the forest. One such tunnel is close to the dried riverbed from yesterday.

This tunnel had Seven Coloured Bats nesting inside and so, my plan is to put venom inside the bodies and toss them inside for the bats to snack on. Not a perfect plan, but better than nothing.

So, Mi and I dragged the bodies to the tunnels entrance, which was a pain in the ass, I then poisoned their blood and then tossed them inside after walking a bit deeper.

While waiting, we stayed on guard just in case. We were using Slingstaffs because they will be better for flying targets.

After a minute, we started hearing screeching coming from inside, which I took as the bat having smelt the blood and subsequently swarming the corpses.

Five minutes later and the screeches were still going, but they were becoming weaker. I decided to wait a while longer.

Another five minutes and silence had returned to the tunnel.

I got Mi to follow behind me a few feet and started walking inside. Mi was still standing with her slingstaff at the ready.

When I got to where I threw the bodies, I saw that they were even more unrecognizable, but didn't care and was more focus on the dozens of bats around them. Most of the bats were dead, but there were a few twitching on the ground.

Not wanting to take anymore risks, I took my horn and started stabbing every last one of them, moving or not.

I didn't let Mi kill any because I wanted to make sure that I got to level up more.

I was already Level 84. This is thanks to the fact that I have been getting all the kills for myself, rather than sharing them with another person/goblin. Plus, I've been killing other goblins, so that helps.

I'm not sure if I should be growing this fast, but then again, it could be the surprise Lucrecia was talking about.

Speaking of Lucrecia, there is another reason for me to hurry up and evolve already, so that I can work on living arrangements and get to fuck her some more.

Damn... Now I'm horny again.

Anyways, back to the bat situation. I ate a bunch of them and got [Echolocation], [Pump Up] and [Vampirephilia]. I didn't share with Mi because of the poison, but I told her that I would make her some clothes later, so she was happy.

We decided to stay in the tunnel for a little while longer and see if the rain would die down, which after a couple hours, it did.

With the rain gone, I decided to take us hunting. This time, we didn't have any goblin bait, so we actually went hunting.

We weren't all that successful, but we got some prey. 2 Horned Rabbits.

I wasn't all that hungry after all the bats, but I still took a leg from one.

After eating, we went back to the cave, where I was greeted by the fearful looks of the residents, which made me smile.

It was pretty early still, so I decided to worked on my gear. Making the knives a bit more refined basically.

After a few hours later, it was time to sleep or that was what I would have liked, but there was something I wanted to do. So, I pretended to be asleep and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Soon enough, it was the middle of the night and the cave was filled with the sound of snoring.

My eyes shot open and I sat up, I turned to Mi and woke her up while making sure she didn't make noise.

When she woke up, I signalled for her to get her weapons and follow me.

I had one very simple objective.

Kill the older generation males.

Why only the older generation? They will give the most XP that is why.

So, with Mi following behind me, we quietly made our way deeper into the cave, where the older ones stayed.

When we got there, I started to kill them. I stabbed them in the heart while hold their mouths shut and Mi watched my back incase anything happened.

I killed six of them one after the other.

There weren't a whole lot thanks to the facts that goblins generally die easily and that most of the older generation were out raiding right now.

After killing the first six, there was only the old bastard who named me, but that would stop me from killing him.

It's for the greater good after all. MY greater good! Hahahaha!

I put my hand on his mouth, waking him up, startled as he saw me, arm raised with a horn in it and a maniacal smile on my face.

I plunged the horn into his heart and watch him die, I tried eating him just to see if I would get anything, but I didn't, so I left with Mi following behind me.

We went back to our sleeping space and joined the others in their rest.

The day might have started out badly, but this night was a pretty great.

[Your Level has Reached The Designated Requirement]

[You Have Cleared The Special Requirements "Something" "Special Action" "Unfilial" "Deceitful"

You Can Rank Up To A Hobgoblin-Variant]

[Would You Like To Rank Up? YES / NO ?





[Rou Has Obtained "End And Origin"-Ruling "Divine Protection Of The Great God" "Divine Protection Of The God of Deceit/Trickery"]

[Lust System Engaged]

A REALLY great night...

(Short and sort of rushed on the evolution, I know. But this just felt like such a perfect day for him to evolve. Ya know?)