Ch 4 Day 8

- Day 8 -





I woke having evolved and haven't stopped laughing.

It took Kanata 10 days to evolve after reaching maturity. He evolved on his thirteenth night. I ONLY TOOK 4 DAY AND EVOLVED ON MY SEVENTH NIGHT!

I am somewhat different compare to him on a few levels.

For one, my skin isn't as dark and is more of a dark gray, rather than black. Though I was still around 170 cm, like Kanata was.

Looking at my reflection with my knife, I was pretty good looking. I had white hair that reached to my shoulders. A pair of yellow, almost golden irises, although the right one is covered by my fringe. And weirdly, over my hidden right eye, I have a green tattoo, but it looks pretty cool so whatever.

I'm guessing that the tattoo is related to my second Divine Protection, which also gave me some magic.

[Mind Magic] Already at the second level, giving me two magics. The first, [Minor Illusion] and the second, [Minor Mental Manipulation]

The [Minor Illusion] is obvious, but the [Minor Mental Manipulation] seems to let me affect the minds of others. The weaker the mind, the easier to affect. I can even control others if they're weak enough.

Lastly and possibly the most important of all, I have this transparent screen in front of my face with 'Welcome To The Lust System' written on it.

I decided to focus on it for now, considering that it seems related to Lucrecia. The moment I focused on it, the screen changed.

[Welcome to the Lust System. You have a message from the Ruler of Lust.

"Hello Darling~ Congratulations on evolving! Oh, and surprise! This system is the surprise, along with a temporary experience boost so you can evolve into a Hobgoblin faster. You can look at what the system will do later, so I won't tell you.

I'm sure you're about to be busy, so I wont take anymore time. Hurry and make a good home. Bye bye!

P.S. My sisters might be paying attention to you. Love you, Darling~!"

Message over.

You may look at the system functions whenever you wish.]

Well, that explains why I evolved so fast. Thank you, Lucrecia, you beautiful woman.

- With Lucrecia -

"Kyaa! You're welcome, Darling! I cant wait to have sex again~ Mmm~"

She started masturbating.

- Back to Rou -

As much as I want to know what the system does, I first want to know what my body can do.

I first decided to try my mind magic on all of the goblins and made them continue sleeping. I don't even know how I did it if I'm honest, it just felt natural.

I then took Mi and retrieved all the bodies of the older goblins. I was originally going to leave them to be discovered, but with my evolution, that isn't necessary.

So, I and Mi retrieved the corpses. I had 5 piled on my shoulders and Mi dragged the other two. My strength seems to have increased immensely.

Speaking of Mi, she had been staring at me with awe since she woke up and also seems to be even more eager to evolve herself.

Once more, we took the bodies and used them as bait. No point wasting them.

Within a couple hours, we got 4 Horned Rabits and 2 Lost Tanuki's. I had Mi kill the majority of them as I want her to hurry up and evolve as well.

I was extra careful when dealing with the pelts because I was in dire need of pant... I was still in rags. Now that i think of it, there should have been some stuff hidden away in the storage that I could have used...

After finishing the last of our food, I decided to have a small spar with Mi. This was for 2 reasons. The first, is that I want her to be a capable fighter. The second, is that I want to move my body a bit.

After half an hour, we stopped because Mi was exhausted. So, after resting, I took her to look around the area.

We found a few more Rabbits and even a Viper. We didn't eat everything this time and instead took them back to the cave, minus the Viper which was poisonous.

When we got to the cave, everyone was awake. They were all confused and panicked, but when they saw me coming they were shocked and scared.

They were probably confused and panicked by the disappearance of the elders, but I didn't care about that.

"Everyone, get in the cave. NOW!"

They didn't argue or defy me and went straight inside.

We followed in after them.

Walking into the cave, all eyes were on me. I took Mi and the few Rabbits we had to the back of the cave, then dropped off all the pelts and food.

I spared a glance to the six women who were being held captive and were being used as sex slaves, then I walked back out. I would deal with them later.

Waiting for me, were the scared goblins I ordered to gather there.

I stared down on all of them and then spoke.

"Males gather to my right and females gather to my left."

I point at a male and directed him to my right, then did the same with a female.

They quickly did as I said, then I used an Illusion mixed with some Mental Manipulation and made all the males become dazed.

"Mi, go kill all the males."

I looked at her with a small smile, with only my left eye visible.

She didn't hesitate and started killing them one by one.

The females were obviously confused, shocked and even more scared than before, and they would have ran away if I didn't tell them to stay.

So, we all watched as Mi killed 40 or so male goblins.

Why were there so many? Simple. The males outnumber the females, 3 to 1 on average.

There were only 10 females in the cave. 11 if you include Mi. This is because, even amongst this weak race, the females are weaker than the males, making it even harder to survive. Though they do seem to be smarter than males.

You might wonder how there are so many, well that is because goblins are born in litters of 3 to 4. 20 of the present goblins are from my generation alone, so there actually aren't that many, all things considered.

After a minute, Mi had finished killing them all and returned to my side, while the females were staring at us and trembling.

I looked at them with a kind smile.

"Now, now. Don't be so scared, I don't want to hurt any of you."

They all visibly relaxed, but were still scared. I continued regardless.

"You probably want to know why I have done this. Well, the answer is simple, I don't like sharing."

I spoke with a cheery tone, my words confusing them.

A brave one stepped forwards nervously. She was wearing a bandana, so this should be E if I'm not wrong.

"W-what d-do you m-me-mean?"

I looked at her, making her flinch.

"What's your name?"


"Well, to answer you question, I don't want to share any of you with other males, so I got rid of them. I especially don't want a bunch of useless males that are too dumb to even hunt. So, does that answer your question."


She then backed up into the group.

"Good. Now, let me explain some things. First of all, I will be giving you all proper names, not just something added onto the end of 'Gob'."

This seemed to surprise them and uplift their moods, but that probably wouldn't last.

"Second, you will all become stronger, whether you like it or not. I don't want a bunch of useless females anymore than the males, so starting tomorrow, I will start training you and taking you all hunting so that you can rank up to Hobgoblin."

They weren't very enthusiastic about the forced training and were scared of what would happen if they failed, but the prospect of being stronger appealed to them.

"Third, if you are loyal, I will make sure you live a good life, but if you betray me, I will make you wish for death."

My smile was gone and my visible eye narrowed dangerously, making them gulp nervously and nod.

"Good that you understand. Now, I'm sure you are all hungry. We brought a few Rabbits, you can share them amongst yourselves."

I then turned, retrieved the Rabbits and gave them to the females, which the younger ones were giddy about because they'd only been eating bugs and fruit, while the older ones were still happy to get to eat meat, because it was rare for them to get to.

While they did that, I had Mi join them to talk. I didn't want her to feel ostracized from them and I was only going to be making some clothes.

While I made the clothes, I also checked the system.

'Uhh... System?'

Problem was, I had no idea what I was doing with it... Fortunately, it answered me, in an emotionless voice.

[Lust System has been initiated.

You have 1 new message from the Ruler of Greed. Would you like to hear it?]

'Lucrecia said she had siblings and that they might be paying attention to me, right? Yes, play the message.'

[Playing the message -

"Hahahaha! That was great! That greedy and possessive nature is right up my alley, it totally makes sense that my sister would want someone like you. Keep it up with that greed.

P.S. I'm giving you my mark, so you better not disappoint me."

Message over.]

'Okay... But what is a 'Mark' exactly...'

I started searching my body, but I didn't find anything, so it mustn't be physical.

[A 'Mark' is similar to a blessing. The 'Mark of Greed' will increase your opportunities to show your greed to the world.]

And there's my answer. Thank you, Greed, I will make sure to continue taking what I want.

I then continued with figuring out the system.

[System Functions:

- Achievements.

- Abilities. (Exclusive to the system)

- Harem.

Please choose a function to continue.]

I thought for a moment and went to the Achievements section.


- Speedy Evolution : Evolve within 10 days of you birth. Rewards claimed.

- There Can Be Only One : Kill off all the other males, they're not necessary if you're not gay. Rewards unclaimed.]

Seeing that the rewards weren't claimed, I claimed them. Not that I knew what the rewards were...

[Rewards claimed. Please looked at abilities.]

... It's not like I have much choice...

I went straight to the abilities section.


- Perfect Body: You have the perfect male body and are handsome. Your stats will also be balanced to the max.(Strongest in all areas, weakest in non.)

- Perfect Fit: Your dick will always bring the most pleasure to your partner.

- Language Comprehension: You can understand, talk and write the Human and Elven languages.

- Cleanse: Clean anything, from dirt to disease.

- Alpha: Males feel inferior and female see you as the ideal mate.

- Sperm Modification - Female: All offspring will be female.]


Just [Cleanse] is enough for me to be excited, but the other make me want to shout my excitement to the world.

Now there was only Harem section, but that wouldn't have much.


- Lucrecia]

Like I expected.

Needless to say, I am very happy with my surprise. I don't think I'm gonna let Lucrecia go for days when she gets here.

I quickly finished up my clothes and then went over to Mi to take her for a quick hunt while it was still light. I took a bunch of the dead bodies with me.

We managed to get 5 Rabbits and took them back to the cave, where I spent half an hour to start a fire... I also got the others to remove the rest of the bodies.

I dismantled the Rabbits and then cooked the meat. Once the meat was cooked thoroughly, I took it inside and went to the back, where the six women were.

When I got there, i was greeted by some blank stares that wished only for death. Honestly, they probably wouldn't have even looked at me if not for the fact that no one had raped them today... I feeling even happier about killing those green fucks. I might be an asshole, but I don't agree with rape and never will. Like Kanata, I have skewed morals and don't mind if they agree, even under the influence of an aphrodisiac, but I find no pleasure in breaking a woman to the point they want nothing more than death.

This might make you wonder why I don't just kill them. Well, I want them, simple as that. I want them, so I'm gonna have them. If my plan works anyways.

Still under the blank gazes, the first thing I did was use Cleanse on the whole area and on the women. Still, I got no reaction out of them.

I sighed and then went towards them and started feeding them small bits of meat slowly. They hadn't had proper food in at least a month based on the day on my birth and time of conception, so I couldn't just give them it and leave, it would be a surprise if they could even lift it.

I mean, they are literally kept in the storage room, where there are swords... They clearly don't have the strength to move and the only reason they could get the poison that Kanata left is because of pure desperation.

From this day forward, I'm going to kill every male goblin I see. They are vermin and should be put down. They don't even need to kidnap women, there are female goblins, if they just worked hard to evolve, the appearance wouldn't even be an issue.

The worst part of this is that 2 of the women are pregnant and I cant do anything about it without harming them in the process. They should give birth in a few days, so I will deal with the parasites then.

It took a little while to feed them, but I got it done. One of them wasn't even able to chew because of how weak she was, so I had to chew for her and feed her mouth to mouth. (Gross, but I wanna try some realism)

After they were all fed, I started using [Mental Manipulation] on each of them individually. I can do more than just control others with it, I can brainwash someone given enough time. It also works better if I'm in physical contact with them.

Right now, I was just easing their minds, letting them relax. Then I started rebuilding their psyche and giving them the will to live once more, while drawing them to myself as a support. It will take more than one night, but it doesn't really matter.

When I was done, they were all asleep, but their faces seemed more relaxed.

While they slept, I took the weapons from the storage and went back to the main sleeping area.

I saw that the girls had gone to sleep, so I just lay down a few metres away and went to sleep, though I'm pretty sure someone came and lay next to me.