Ch 6 Day 10-13

- Day 10 -

I got up and did my usual routine of exercise, but 10x harder because I'm no longer a weak goblin. I also had the girls join in.

Then I took 5 of the girls out, plus Kanami and had them hunt in teams of 3 and 2, so that one team could hunt while the other rests. Kanami and I were both on the sidelines incase something went wrong, which did happen a couple of time. At the start, the girls were really nervous and scared, so they froze up once or twice, almost being pierced by a Horned Rabbit. But, they eventually got some confidence and worked together to win.

After half a day with the first 5, we returned and then went back out with the other 5, repeating the process.

We returned to the cave before night and I cooked a couple Tanuki's that I caught for the human girls. Once the meat was cooked, I took it and fed the girls, again the young blonde was too weak to eat, so I helped her.

After feeding them, I continued the mental restoration on them. Though, I did focus a little more on the silver haired woman, hoping that she would be recovered sooner, because it might help with getting the others better if there is someone they know that can comfort them.

After exhausting myself with the use of Mind Magic, I went to lie down.

- Days 11 and 12 -

For these two days, I basically just did what I did on day 10, but I also made some gear for the girls with what they hunted.

The human girls were more or less the same, except for the girl who I have taken to calling Silver. She seems to be way more responsive and has started taking the food when I bring it, rather than waiting for me to place it in her mouth, which is helpful considering I have the other five to take care of.

I hadn't had a whole lot of sex with Kanami unfortunately. The reason being that sex on a cave floor isn't very comfortable.

- Day 13 -

The day started off normally, everyone did some exercise and then I took the first group out to hunt.

Near the end of the first groups hunt, which wasn't very fruitful, the reason became obvious and things became interesting.

An Orc came into sight of our group. It was ugly af with that pig face and fat body, but if what Kanata said is true, they taste great.

So, I started stalking it while the girls hung back a bit farther away.

I wanted to try taking it on myself, that's why I had the girls hang back. Obviously, I wasn't planning on taking it in fair frontal attack.

No. Because a hunter stalks their prey and strikes when the opportunity arises, no matter how dirty it might be.

For almost 20 minutes I've follow the Orc. It was always in a relatively open area, so I could never get close enough without risking being seen, but it was honestly getting on my nerves. It wasn't even doing anything, just wandering around aimlessly.

Another 20 minutes and I was done. I couldn't be bothered waiting any more, I waited for it to get close enough to the trees and then dashed out at it's back, staying low.

I slashed at what should be the Achilles tendon using a sword I got from the storage.

The Orc fell to its knees while screaming.

I then slashed at it's eyes from behind it using a Bowie knife, while also cutting its throat with the sword. The fat stopped me from cutting deep enough, so it survived, but it would still die if I left it.

I couldn't be bothered leaving it to happen though and it might have allies nearby that heard it's scream. So, I stabbed it in the heart, killing it near instantaneously.

I then pulled the sword out and place my weapons in sheaths.

I called the girls over and got Kanami to help me with carrying it back. I could do it myself, but it would slow us down. I also managed to get a pickaxe, which I gave to Asue because I knew she might have an interest, plus she was staring at it with stars in her eyes... I guess it's her destiny or something.

I should mention, I haven't actually told any of the girls their names yet. I want to wait until I have names for all of them before I tell them, which is only 2 more, so I should give them their names soon enough.

It took us a good half hour to get back, but it should be worth it.

When we got to the cave, the other group was already at the ready for their turn hunting, but they soon had different priorities.

I got the girls to go gather a bunch of firewood, while I went and found some flat stones that could be suitable as plates, then I took them to the river to clean them.

When I got back, the girls had already created a neat pile of sticks, so I started up a big fire and cut up the Orc. Skinning, separating the limbs from the body and removing the organs, which I ate. Fun fact, Kanata never needed to eat more than the heart and brain to get the abilities of the things he eats because they are where the power is most concentrated, but that doesn't mean we can't get the abilities from other parts, so when he left creatures alive and ate them piece by piece, he was just being unnecessarily sadistic and wasting time.

So, I managed to get [Orc Language], [Appraisal], [Stench] and what would have been 'Libido', except the moment the voice appeared, it started glitching out.

[Libi#$@$#-Error!!!] [Lust System has seized the skill [Libido] and upgraded it to [Endless Stamina]]

My only question is, does this apply to things outside of sex or not? Something I will have to discover later, but for now...

I started putting thigh meat over the fire, pierced onto a sword and rotating it.

The glorious smell of pork being cooked started radiating in the surroundings, making the girls start to drool as they watched the meat from behind him.

After I cooked the meat, I took a my knife and started cutting it up, and started putting it on the slabs. I put it out for them to take and started on some more.

"Feel free to eat it. Don't worry about not getting any, there will be more. But you should still share."

I gave them a smile and then turned back to the meat I was cooking.

The girls decided that the ones who went out this morning would get to eat first, seen as they would be more hungry. Kanami decided that she would wait until I had started to eat before she ate.

When this batch was done, I gave it to the other five and started on my and Kanami's share.

I actually think I might have done better with our batch after getting a bit of experience cooking. I'm not too bad of a cook normally, but that's when I have proper utensils, so I'm quite pleased with my work here.

While I ate along with Kanami, I cooked the rest of the meat and then took some to the human girls, where I got a nice surprise.

Silver seemed to be waiting for me with a small smile and look in her eye almost seemed to have brightened.

I gave her, her portion and decided to try talking to her a bit while I fed the others.

"So... How are you doing? You are looking better than before."

I cut the meat into bite size pieces for them.

"My... arm... hurts... a... little..."

I spun round to face her when she started talking. I was shocked. This is the first time she's managed to speak, her voice was hoarse and weak, but this is still progress.

"I'm sorry. I don't know healing magic or have experience with medicine, so there's nothing I can do to help..."

"That... is... o...kay...*cough* *cough*"

"It's good that you're able to talk, but don't push it. You will still have a while to fully recover."

She gave a slight nod and started eating. I'm actually really impressed, even with my magic, she seems to be recovering ridiculously quickly. She must have a strong will. This makes me all the happier for not killing them.

I continued feeding the others, finishing with the young blonde and then started using my magic on them again.

Silver seemed to be watching me curiously, wondering what exactly I was doing, but I was concentrating, so I ignored her gaze.

After spending some time on the others, I moved onto Silver, who seemed to have been waiting for me to come to her.

"I look forward to your recovery. It would be nice to have someone to talk to."

I then put her to sleep and worked my magic.

I didn't go all out with the magic today, so I wasn't as tired when I finished, though it might have a small connection to my [Endless Stamina]. I still felt mentally taxed, just not as much.

In such a great mood from today, I decided to fuck Kanami's brains out for almost 2 hours straight. Pretty sure she isn't walking tomorrow.

(Sorry, no R18 scene.)