Ch 7 Day 14 (Edit)

(Finally found a good marking for over Rou's right eye.)

- Day 14 -

I got up feeling nice and refreshed.

I took the girls through morning exercises and then let them rest.

The first group didn't have to go hunting today to be fair to them, because the second group didn't have to hunt yesterday. Didn't want to be unfair to them.

So, I decided to work on some clothes for the for the human girls. Can't have them in rags forever.

After a couple hours, I had made some basic clothing for the girls, so I took the clothes to the back and started dressing them.

After dressings the girls, I started looking through the stuff that was stored here. The reason I hadn't check what was here before was, I didn't have a way to know what was what.

There was a lot of junk in the barrels. Fabrics, armour, potions.

Honestly, I forgot about the armour and didn't pay much attention to the fabrics. I didn't touch the potions because I didn't know what they were, but now that I have [Appraisal], I can know what they are.

I could have just started swallowing stuff randomly to discover what they do, but that's just wasteful.

Inventory checked out to be; a single left handed gauntlet, a shield, some leather chest armour, a crossbow with no bolts, 2 vials of Holy water and 3 healing potions.

I picked up one of the healing potions and tossed it up and down, wondering.

I then looked at Silver and Little Blonde.

Kneeling infront of Silver, who was looking at me curiously.

"I can't do anything about your missing arm, but here, to help with the pain."

I put the potion to her lips, poured half of it into her mouth and she swallowed it.

"Is it any better?"

"A lot better... Thank you."

She rubbed her shoulder with a sad expression.

"Well, your speaking has improved. I'll figure something out for your arm."

I gave her a pat on the shoulder and moved over to Little Blonde. I'm not sure, but I think there could be something wrong with her jaw and that's why she can't eat on her own, so I'm going to give her the other half of the potion.

Putting the container to her mouth, I tilted her head back and let the potion flow down her throat.

I could be wrong, but I think her jaw reshaped itself a little bit.

I then turned to Silver.

"Could you keep an eye on her?"

She nodded and I turned to leave.

I walked out holding another potion. Kanata never seemed to drink any potions, so I don't know if I can get any abilities from drinking one. Well, he did drink that one elixir from the elves, but that had a rarity to it.

I went outside the cave while thinking and I found the girls all training with one another, which was a pleasant surprise.

I sat down and watched them while swishing the potion around. I took out my sword as well and started munching on it, getting [Slashing Power Up] and [Piercing Power Up]. The sword was already in a bad state and using it to cook meat on didn't help.

I'm somewhat hesitant to drink one of the two remaining potions. It might give me an ability or it might go to waste, when it could have been used in a life saving situation.

There is also the holy water. I want to know if I could get anything good from that.

I spent about 20 minutes deliberating on the matter before deciding.

"Screw it."

I downed a potion and a bottle of Holy water.

I am pretty happy that I drank them. I got; [Minor Regeneration], [Holy Energy Resistance] and [Holy Energy Manipulation]. Not sure what Holy Energy entails exactly, but it should be useful for something.

Summoning up some Holy Energy, a milky while aura appeared around my hand. It's kind of pretty, but pretty isn't useful to me. I stopped using it and stood up.

"*Clap* Okay, girls, take a break, then let's go for our hunt and then we can return early."

The girls all stopped training and sat down around me, while I sharpened my knife.

After half an hour, we got up and went hunting.

I didn't even need to help them at this point, so I'm considering letting them start hunting on their own. I'll probably let them start tomorrow, although I'd prefer to have them evolved for added safety. Strange that I don't want to risk their safety.

This got me contemplating. A couple days ago, I wouldn't have cared if they were killed infront of me, but now I'm pretty sure I would start a slaughter if they even got a cut. It could be something like mate imprinting, making me protective or something.

While I was thinking about my change in thinking, I suddenly felt a chill run up my spine and then a very distinct noise of a bow string being released.

*Peng* (Idk...)

So, I rolled the fuck out of the way, like a smart person.

What? Did you think I was going to grab it mid flight just as it was about to hit me? Get real.

Dark Souls has taught me well. Anor Londo assholes!

Anyways, I looked at the direction the arrow came from and saw 3 Kobolds. 1 archer and 2 swordsmen. The furry bitches are about to become my new rugs.

I picked up a decent sized stone next to me and threw it at the archer. I only wanted to make him dodge, but the idiot took it straight in the face... I may be stronger than I think, because everyone seemed surprised that the Kobolds face was just caved in.

Saving my own surprise for later, I rushed towards the other two mutts and pulled out my estoc.

The mutts came to their senses and readied their swords, and then charged at me.

Mutt 1 and 2 were charging side by side, which was plain dumb, so I slide tackled the one on my left while slashing at the feet of the one my right.

I learnt something from this... Kobolds are way easier to cut through than Orcs...

Mutt 1 and 2 both fell to the ground, but for two very different reasons.

I rolled over and pounced on the back of mutt 1(slide tackled), then I armoured my fist and punched him in the back of the head. Pretty sure I heard a crack, but I punched a few more times for good measure, essentially turning his skull and brain to mush.

Turning to mutt 2, I saw him howling in pain from losing his feet, so I got off of mutt 1 and went over to him, then snapped his neck.

I then stood up, walked over to the archer and snapped his neck for good measure. And I was feeling kinda vindictive about being shot at... but mostly for good measure!

I then plopped down onto the ground and exhaled a long breath. I was kind of freaked... This was my first up front battle with something and I was even sneak attacked!

My presence didn't extend far enough and I could have died... I have Kanata's experience sure, but I'm not him and haven't personally faced life threatening situations my whole life. So the fact that I was so close to death is alarming and infuriating!

The fact that I was almost killed by a single weakling is pathetic and unacceptable!

I have been so busy training and looking after the girls, that I have neglected my own need for strength, so I will have to make some changes.

The girls had long since ran over to my side, Kanami being the first and most panicked about whether I was hurt. Weird...

I just waved their concerns off and was about get to work dismantling the Kobolds, but then I realized how much work I would actually have.

First, I had to remove their clothing though. These guys don't just wear rags like goblins.

Then I'd have to let the blood drain and a bunch of other stuff...

So, i just hoisted two onto my shoulders and told the girls to carry the other one, then we made our way back to the cave.

When we got back, I started the whole dismantling process.

Waiting for them to bleed was boring, but then I realized that I could just use magic.

With a resounding facepalm, I used Cleanse on the damn things.

Then I started skinning them to the best of my ability, as for how I even know how to skin an animal. I got bored and did research before, simple as that. (A/N: I actually did research, but the process is a pain in the ass...)

It took a short while, but I finished all the Immediate stuff and have just one thing to say...


So much effort was saved by the simple use of Cleanse.

Now I have three nice pelts. Really fluffy too.


I have made a new goal! Hunt a bunch Kobolds for my bed... Don't judge me.

After all my work was finished, I did my usual routine of cooking. I am becoming a househusband, aren't I...?

When I finished eating, I got [Kobold Language], [Predict] and [Intimidating Roar].

After cooking for everyone and myself, I then took food to the human girls.

I gave Silver her share and moved onto the others. Making my way through them and onto Little Blonde, hip hip hooray, I was right about there being a problem with her jaw, which was fixed by the healing potion, so she can now chew by herself.

For some reason, I feel as though I saw her frown... But probably not.

I then went to sleep, using my comfy new bed.

(I feel like my head just kept going blank when I tried writing.)