Two years passed agonizingly slow. Not one person to talk to or a working toilet to use in just over two years. Warren was now 17 and went through a lot of changes. He was now 7'5 feet tall with a large muscular body that put professional bodybuilders to shame. He wasn't too bulky, as he didn't want his speed to be affected in a fight.
He now wore a black and gold Jounin uniform with a black vest, black Shinobi pants with gold wrappings to hold his weights and had different satchels to hold his ninja tools. He had gold Shinobi boots with black foot wrappings, and lastly, he wore a black, full face mask that was completely blank besides an intimidating demon mouth and demon horns affixed on top of his mask.
Warren had made a lot of progress in the last two years and was itching to leave the lonely island to test out the fruits of his labor, but he was stuck there with no boat. Right when he was thinking of risking it by water walking to the next island, he saw a ship on the horizon. Warren was excited, as he hadn't seen any hints of people in the last two years, and immediately Shunshin'd onto the ship, much to the crew of the ship's surprise. Not one of them moved, as to them, a giant demon had just appeared from nowhere. The ominous feeling they had only grew when said demon looked up at their sails and saw their pirate flag.
Feeling brave, one of the crew chose to confront the scary demon. "Hey, you got a death wish? Do you know who's ship this is?! This ship belongs to-" the man said before he was snatched into the air by the giant demon masked man.
"Tell me, what kind of pirates are you? Do you rape and pillage? Or do you just want adventure?" Said Warren, his voice noticeably deep and menacing. Hearing his question, the crew and the man being choked didn't know what to say. Tell the truth and hope to scare him away, or lie and hope he lets them go? But when they took another look at him and felt the aura around him, they knew that lying to such a man was only a recipe for death.
"W-we rape a little bit, but we mostly steal, I swear! Now please let me-" the man being choked pleaded before the sound of his neck snapping resounded across the now silent ship. That was it, that was their answer right there of how he felt about pirates. Knowing that talking was now useless and there was no other way, the pirates gave each other a knowing nod before they all attacked Warren together, some slashing with their swords, while others stayed back to give cover fire.
During his time on the island when he had to hunt the few animals and fish for food, he found out that he was a sensor type of Shinobi, which is why he knew there were about 22 pirates on the deck attacking him while 28 more chakra signatures were below deck. Not wanting to waste time on fodder, Warren activated his lightning armor and disappeared from sight, only to appear behind the group of pirates who were now in his line of sight. Knowing he needed crowd control, Warren chose to use the new jutsu he developed on the island.
"{Chidori Gatling}!" Said Warren as he held out his hands to resemble pistols, as bolts of lightning formed and shot out in blinding speeds. As each bolt of lightning hit its marks and causing excruciating pain until they laid still on the deck in a chard heap. And just like that, within two minutes, most of the crew was taken down. The only ones left was the chakra signatures he sensed hiding in the cabin of the ship. Bursting in there, Warren saw a man and a teenage girl and boy chained to the bed naked, as the captain tried to use them as a shield.
"Stay back you demon! You're a bounty hunter, right? Why else would you go after a low-level crew like ours?! I know how your type operates. You'll act like it's for the money, but y'all save people, y'all care! If you come any closer, I'll kill these two right now!" The captain said as he hid behind the two crying and naked captives as he held a sword to his back. Although this was only his first human encounter in this world, Warren found himself in a fucked up situation. A pirate captain using teenage slaves as human shields was possibly the lowest you could go one Warren's list.
Reactivating his lightning armor, Warren used his increased speed to Shunshin over and disarmed the captain, literally. As his arm was falling to the floor, the pirate captain made out to scream, only for Warren to punch him in the throat, crushing his windpipes, preventing him from breathing.
Leaving the captain to deal with his slow and painful death, Warren went to check on the slaves, and cut them free from their chains. By the time he was done and had the slaves covering themselves with blankets, the pirate captain was now dead with his eyes bulging from his head.
Before going down to free the 28 slaves, Warren laid out a storage scroll and sealed away all of the dead pirates, even the captain. He was sure with this many slaves, this crew was bound to have some kind of bounty. And while he hated to admit it, even though he is a little bit powerful at the moment, he still needed money to survive. And the only way he could think of to have a steady supply of income that didn't involve robbing or enslaving people as a pirate or selling his soul to the Marines, was to collect bounties on pirates and take their treasure if they had any.
The more he thought about it, the more appealing being a bounty hunter sounded. He'd have his freedom, money, and he gets to save people by killing scum. It was almost perfect! He just had to make sure that he went about everything smartly. Even Zoro was a pirate hunter until he pissed off a Marine's kid and got labeled as a pirate himself. 'Hmm, what if I treat it like an actual business? Maybe even have a whole crew of bounty hunters? But I have to be careful. If I build up too much power too fast, the Government may feel threatened and try to fuck me' Warren thought to himself as he mulled over his budding new ambition. He wants the freedom to do what he wants and save others, and to do that, he must be strong and smart.
After he sealed away the last pirate, he made his way down to the bottom deck, where he was met with a sickening sight. Before him were slaves of all ages chained to the walls, forced to sit in their own filth, risking infection as they all showed clear signs of being physically abused. When the slaves noticed him, they feared they were about to face further abuse, letting out soft cries and futilely trying to hide themselves despite being chained up. Seeing this only made Warren wished he tortured those pirates even more. This wasn't the first time he's seen a scene like this, as he's seen many dark things in his military career, but it never got any easier to see it.
Without wasting much time, Warren made a few clones, scaring the slaves even more, but they soon calmed down once they saw him and his clones unlocking their chains and freeing them. When the last slave was free, Warren dispelled his clones and introduced himself, excited to use the name he'd spent the last two years deciding on. "Everything is okay now. My name,," but right when he was about to say his name he figured that wouldn't be that smart. Why wear a mask and hide your identity if you're just going to give your name away. He resolved to think of an alias when he had the time.
"My name doesn't matter right now, just know that I'm a bounty hunter. I've already taken care of all of the pirates, so there is no need to worry about any danger from them. The bad part is that now there is no one to run the ships as I can't run it by myself. So, who all has sailing experience that can help us to the next island?" Warren asked, trying to placate the slaves, but his demonic image wasn't helping much.
For the next few moments, the slaves stood huddled together, fearful that this was some sort of twisted plot the pirates were tricking them with. Though after a while, a group of people warily stepped forward. Nodding to himself for finding a temporary crew to sail the ship, Warren headed to the top deck, motioning for all of the slaves to follow him.
With great fear and apprehension, the slaves all looked to each other, before they reluctantly did as the intimidating man said. When the slaves reached the threshold to the top deck and peaked around the corner, they were surprised to see pools of blood and damage that could only come from a fierce battle, but there were no pirates to speak of whatsoever.
Excited to get to his first real island and get as far away from that isolated, sad excuse for an island as he could, Warren got to work helping the slaves set sail, telling them the faster they can make it to an island, the faster they could get home to their families. Was it a bit dark using the slaves like that? Maybe, but Warren never claimed to be a saint, and doesn't aim to be one.
He doesn't have plot armor to protect him, so to survive in this fucked up world, you have to be a little fucked up with it. Luckily, the slaves were so happy about being free, they didn't bother paying attention to the fact that Warren was just using them, and instead grew to see him as a sort of savior instead, as he had given them the spare clothes and food he found on the ship.
He had no need for them as the clothes he got from god were far better and the food was barely that above scraps. Plus, he still had plenty of food stored in scrolls from his time hunting and fishing on the island, so he didn't mind being charitable in exchange for a good reputation. He knew that one small deed can go a long way to a bright future. So as they sailed, he socialized a little, listening to the slaves tales and learning more about the world the more he heard.
A big piece of information was he was apparently in the South Blue! Warren found out the South Blue was mainly know for it's numerous and exotic fish and animals, some even reaching the size of giants. Warren was never much of a animal fan, but who doesn't like to cuddle a cute little fur buddy every now and then? So Warren decided that if he found an awesome animal, he would take it and keep it as a pet. It seems that all of the years alone on that small island has affected Warren.
It only took a few days for the silhouette of an island to come into view. Warren was excited to see what kind of island he would find and wondered if he'd be able to find a crewmate and a smaller ship. Sure the ship he was on was okay and he had long since taken down the jolly Roger of the pirates, but it was still a slaves ship with far too many horrible things attached to it. No, he planned to sell the ship and the loot he collected from the slaver pirates to help fund his bounty hunting career.
As the island got closer, and the dawn light bathed the island in it's warm radiance, Warren could make out more of the island. It looked to be a medium sized fishing island, as palm trees, cabanas, and numerous docks lined the coast, alongside a beautiful white sandy beach. Many homes were made of stone and the roads were paved with white bricks, giving the whole island a warm and inviting feel to it. In short, it looked like a mini paradise that Warren could see many of the rich elderly in his old world retiring to. One of the slaves came up to him in excitement, telling Warren that the Island was their hometown and that it was named, Baterilla.