Chapter 3

When Warren heard the name, he felt as though the island was extremely important, but couldn't figure out why. Warren shook himself from his thoughts as they neared the port and the slaves were already quick at work docking the ship, ready to be off the ship that had virtually become their prison.

On the dock stood a small of Marines who seemingly recognized the ship. But when the ship docked and they saw a host of former slaves on a bloody deck of a known slave ship, it's safe to say they were more than confused. Due to the strange circumstances, the squad leader had everyone wait on deck while one of his men went to go fetch their commander.

While they waited for the commander to arrive, the Marines there got to work on getting the story from the many slaves, with all of them pretty much stating the same thing. "We were held as slaves for days, some of us captured for weeks while we were tortured, beaten, and raped! Not...not even the children were spared from their savagery. We had all lost hope until one day the tall young man with the scary mask came down and saved us! He had defeated all of the pirates himself without any of us ever knowing. Then he fed and clothed us before bringing us back home here. He truly is far nicer than he looks!" An old, tired man explained before gesturing in Warren's direction, who was simply leaning over the railing in his own thoughts.

With enough testimony from the slaves, the Marines pretty much knew what happened, but none were brave enough to go talk to the intimidating young man himself. Luckily they didn't have to, as their commander rushed there once she learned what had happened. When the commander, who was a middle aged woman with light wrinkles and short brown hair rushed on the ship, she looked around frantically, as if trying to find someone.

Then she began sobbing as she and a slave, a young girl around eight years old with the same brown hair, ran into each other's arms, bawling without a care for who saw. When the two were done with their crying, the little girl, presumably the daughter judging from resemblance and age, led the commander to Warren.

"Here he is mommy, the nice man who saved us! He might look scary at first, but he's super sweet and gave me extra food when no one was looking! Oops, I was supposed to keep that a secret so others don't get jealous tehehe!" The little girl laughed as he hugged Warren tightly on his leg. The commander seemed slightly apprehensive due to Warren's appearance, though was ultimately grateful to him for saving her daughter from a horrible life.

"My name is Commander Tilly, and I don't know how to thank you! Fiends had brazenly stormed the island in the dead of night and taken many from their homes, including my little girl. I don't have much, but if there's ever anything I can do, please just let me know." Commander Tilly said, gratitude clear in her tone.

Warren's hormones were begging for him to ask for something brazen, as even though she was older, the commander wasn't bad looking, but he decided otherwise. He was making a good start here and didn't want to ruin things just because his teenage body was making him horny. It was already hard for him to turn down the many slave women who offered to sleep with him in a way of thanks, as he felt it wouldn't look right to take advantage of their gratitude, even though the lord knew he wanted to. But he knew that he would have plenty of time to play with ladies later, for now, he had to cash in on this golden opportunity that just fell in his lap.

"Actually, I could use a bit of help. I defeated and sealed the pirates away, but I'm not sure how to collect their bounty. Can you help with the process? Also I'd like to sell this ship and loot I found somewhere.* Warren said in a matter of fact tone, but the commander was confused.

"What do you mean you 'sealed' away the pirates?" Asked Commander Tilly with a tilt of her head.

Realizing that they don't have sealing in this world, Warren figured it was best to show her rather than try to explain. After getting some room, Warren set down the scroll while he held out a hand sign and channeled his chakra. In a poof of smoke, the scroll unsealed and all of the dead pirates were laid bare for all to see, much to everyone's surprise. Commander Tilly looked between Warren and the dead pirates, trying to wrap her brain around what just happened until she recognizes a few of the dead pirates.

"These were the same pirates who pillaged our village and took our people! You mean to tell me you somehow took down a 18,000,000 beri captain and his crew all by yourself?!" Tilly asked, incredulous.

Though Warren just shrugged in response to the Commander's question, mentally he was pretty excited for hooking such a big fish and so easily too! But Warren knew that the pirates were mostly surprised by his abrupt appearance on their ship, giving him the opportunity to kill them easily.

Though on the other hand, he is a Shinobi, so surprise attacks are kind of his thing. "I'm a wandering ronin and just started my journey to rid the seas of corruption. This is just my first step on a long journey." Warren said, trying his best to seem wise, mysterious and aloof, but ended up feeling slightly cringy.

Luckily for Warren, everyone else heard the words of an aspiring warrior instead of an edge lord, courtesy of his natural charisma that he has yet to recognize. Commander Tilly looked at Warren, deep in thought before nodding her head. "As a show of my gratitude, I'll help you out and personally oversee your process to become an official bounty hunter, though I have to ask, why don't you come join the Marines? With talent like yours, you're sure to rise through the ranks quickly." She stated, hoping she could steer him over to the Marines, but let out a depressed sigh when she saw him shake his head no.

Though Warren did think of joining the Marines and is still not one hundred percent opposed to it, there were several things holding him back. First, he didn't like being told what to do, what to say, what to wear, or even how to shit. He had plenty of the military grunt life back on his last world and if there was anything he learned, was that soldiers had to follow any order no matter what, a fact that has haunted him on many nights even in this new world. Warren did some pretty dark things as a soldier in his last world and can only imagine what fucked up shit he'd have to do in this one.

Secondly, he wanted a life of adventure without being tied down by military orders or labeled a pirate for no reason. Granted he had no clear idea of what to do as the MCs from the fanfics he read were always either pirates or Marines, but he was fine with that. What fun would it be if he just walked the same worn-out path as everyone else.

But Warren would be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed with how easy the first pirates were and was ready to have a real fight. Warren was never a battle Maniac before and couldn't tell if it was this world, his bloodline or a good mix of both that was changing him, but he wanted to challenge himself and rise up to be a legend!

Thirdly, Warren didn't like the idea of doing almost the same work, but far less pay! Bounty hunters can be super rich in this world as there are literally an endless amount of pirates to capture, and most have pretty decent bounties. Warren could already imagine it. Fleets of bounty hunters, all under his command, roaming the seas and ridding the world of pirates, and maybe if he gets strong enough, the world government too. But those plans are far in the future. For now, he just wanted to get a decent small ship he could sail to the Grand Line with.

As War listed all of these reasons to Commander Tilly, barring the whole overthrowing the government thing, she let out a resigned sigh, as she already knew she probably couldn't convince him. Shifting back into her commander mode, Tilly cleared away the former slaves after getting their information, and had her men log and tag all of the pirates to get their bodies ready for processing. In just half an hour, all of the pirate corpses were gone and all of the freed slaves were enroute back to their homes. Warren was truly impressed with her leadership skills and hoped to mimic that experience one day.