Chapter 4

The process for Warren to become a bounty hunter registered with the world government was far more involved than he thought. He initially thought he could just roam the seas and fight pirates willy-nilly and get paid for it, but when he thought about it, it would really be utter chaos with no type of system.

They asked for all sorts of information, but Warren played the amnesia role, plus the commander helping him out, got him through a lot of the red tape. The bounty hunter name he gave was simply, Ronin. Warren decided that he wanted to keep his work and real identity separate, just in case anything bad happened and some asshole tried to label him as a pirate. When everything was done, his information sheet looked something like this.

Name: Ronin

Age: 17

Hometown: Baterilla (South Blue)

Highest Bounty: 18,000,000

Fighting Style: Ninjutsu

Due to him claiming amnesia, a lot of the information was left blank, but Warren still felt like too much of his information was given, though that could be due to his ninja nature. They even had to get a picture of him, but Warren insisted on keeping his mask on, keeping his true face a mystery.

After all of that was done, they gave him his official bounty hunting license in the form of a card, which greatly surprised Warren. After thinking about it, he remembered that despite how the world may look, this world has so far ahead in terms of technology, that they even have cyborgs and cloning factories.

With a new license in hand, Warren followed Tilly down to the Port Master, where he sold the ship he got from the pirates, which earned him a lot of money, and bought a brand new Caravel he named, Static. With a bit of extra money on hand, he had the small ship painted all black with blue arcs of lightning all around it. It had two black masts with blue sails attached to them.

On the mainsail, he had them paint a grey cloud with black lightning going around it. Warren was so excited to have his own symbol and ship. He also had them build cells in the bottom deck of the ship for the bounties that he captured alive, also it was a good way to lock away his loot and supplies from thieves.

After buying and filling the ship up with supplies, Tilly took Warren to a tavern to celebrate. In the Tavern, they cheered for the return of Tilly's daughter, Lily, and then they cheered for Warren becoming an official bounty hunter. When the other patrons heard what they were cheering for, a great cheer broke out as free drinks were passed around and the jovial nature led out into the streets, making it into a small street party. The whole feel of the island and it's people felt really amazing to Warren and he could definitely see himself settling down there one day.

As the festivities went on, Warren heard a commotion break out and chalked it up to typical drunkenness, until out of the corner of his eye he saw what he thought was a small girl being surrounded by a group of drunken men. Now, Warren was no saint, and didn't like going around bashing what people are into, but he didn't condone any abuse happening to children, especially not such a large group of drunken men.

Warren wanted to turn and ask Tilly and her Marines to handle the situation, but they were all long since passed out drunk or off in the crowd. Commander Tilly herself had a goofy grin on her face as she slept cuddled to her daughter. Seeing no other option, Warren resigned that he would just have to save her himself.

Making a few lightning clones and dispersing them through the crowd, Warren looked at how thick the crowd was and the distance he had to travel, and figured now was either the best or worst time to try out a new jutsu he'd been working on. He decided to determine if it was bad or good on if it worked out without killing him and possibly the entire town. Carefully but quickly going through the sequence of hand signs, he molded his jutsu as the name of his name technique came to mind, {Static Flicker}.

It was essentially just the normal Body Flicker jutsu, but with an added lightning nature. It was very simple, but as Warren was about to find out, devastatingly effective. After he activated the Jutsu, the whole world seemed to slow down, as just when envisioned himself flickering into the air, he was already there before he could even get a chance to blink or even process what just happened.

In the split second that Warren was in the air trying to process what happened, he heard a shrill cry, looked and saw the group of men now reaching out for the girl. Knowing that he had no time to think or regret anything, he once again used the new jutsu, landing on the ground between the girl and the drunken men, lightning arcing out when he touched the floor, cracking it and shocking a few men in the process.

Luckily Warren landed in a kneeling super hero pose as he quickly made a horrible realization, he had almost no chakra left! His massive chakra storage that would make the average Jounin blush was nearly depleted in just two moves! And the worse thing, he had absolutely no control over the Jutsu as he went too fast to even know where he was going. He could have easily crushed the poor girl or turned a large swath of people into mush if he wasn't lucky!

The reckless action and it's possible consequences horrified Warren, but he didn't have time for that, as the drunken men were starting to get out of their shocked states, and worse, he had gathered the attention of a big portion of the crowd with his little act. He had to act quick or else this simple rescue can get very complicated. Turning to the girl, he wanted to check on her wellbeing. "Hey, girl. Are you okay? Did these guys hurt you?" Warren asked, his voice coming out far more menacing than he meant to, startling the girl.

The girl was scared, but since the big man in front of her had asked how she was and blocked her from the dangerous men, she figured he might not be that bad. "I-I'm fine! You stopped them before anything happened! T-thank you so much!" The girl said with tears streaming down her face. As Warren looked at her closer, he was shocked that she looked nothing like he thought she would.

She was still extremely short, coming up to his waist, and she was obviously a girl, as she had an extremely curvy figure that had no business being on such a small frame, but she was a completely different race! Hell, Warren doubted if you could call her the same species!

She was a fox mink! Despite the mottled grey fur that covered her face and body, she still looked extremely cute! She had large, expressive pink eyes and pink hair done in a messy ponytail. She wore a cute, floral yukata that barely managed to hide the outline of her dangerously big breasts. Warren had to fight himself not to stare at them for too long, but judging how her long, puffy tail swished and the deep blush on her face as she looked away bashfully, he could tell he was caught. 'Damn, how could she tell?! This mask doesn't even have eyeholes! This girl must have some amazing senses!' Warren thought.

Coughing to break the awkward moment, Warren stood up and faced down the drunken men, as he easily towered over them despite his fairly young age. "Gentlemen, I think the young lady doesn't appreciate your company tonight. I suggest you leave, now!" Warren said calmly, but his tone came out far more menacingly, scaring some of the men, making them sober up slightly and back away in fear.

"Hey Johnny, this guy looks pretty serious, maybe we should find a different girl to have fun with?" Drunk A said.

"Yeah, he's right! This guy smells like he's bathed in others' blood countless times! I-I'm going home!" Drunk B said, as he ran off, stumbling into the crowd.

"You guys are all cowards! I don't care who I have to fight or kill, I'm burying my dick in that big tittied bitch tonight if it's the last thing I do!" Drunk C said, heavily slurring his words before he clumsily began running at Warren and the girl.

Warren wanted to facepalm himself for getting himself all worked up earlier. Sure, it was normal for him to panic about chakra, as if he runs out he can get chakra sickness and risk being vulnerable for a long time, but these guys are so weak and drunk, he probably could've killed them in his past life, let alone the strength of his new body. With that in mind, he was far more confident about handling the situation.

As the drunk finally reached Warren and was about to throw a punch, Warren easily caught his fist, much to the surprise of the drunk and those around him. Without any preamble, Warren lightly flexed his hand, crushing the drunks fist with an audible crunch that made bile rise in those who heard it. As the man opened his mouth to scream, Warren clenched his hand over the drunk's mouth and pulled into the air, almost at face level.

"You just attempted to rape a young girl and assault me. Be thankful that I don't feel like scaring the girl further by crushing your skull like rotten fruit. Leave, and never do this again." Warren said, his mask making his voice far more menacing, as he tossed the drunk to the side.

Seeing that they narrowly escaped death, the drunks who sobered up, collected their friend with the broken fist and scurried off. Turning his attention back to the fox girl, Warren saw fear in her eyes and let out a heavy sigh, wondering if he went too far. Seeing that she's now fine, Warren turned around to leave only to feel a tiny hand holding the edge of his clothes. Looking down, Warren saw the girl shaking meekly before she seemed to resolve something within herself as she looked up at him with eyes of determination.

"T-thank you sir for risking your life to save me! I-I'm not good at much, and I'm currently locked in debt to Master Harriman who owns the dockyard and the inn by the dock, but if you don't mind waiting for me, my life will be yours!" The fox girl as she bowed her head at a 90 degree angle, trembling.