Her loud, awkward outburst garnered more attention than the small fight did, as people began looking at them and whispering. Trying to ignore the awkward atmosphere, Warren thought of something and turned to ask the girl something. "What is your name?" Warren asked, feeling weird about not knowing how to address her.
Far more surprised than she should've been at such a simple question, the fox girl finally stood up and gathered herself. "M-my name is Amelia, Mr…." The fox girl, Amelia, said, not knowing what to call Warren.
"Cute, I think I'll call you Meli for short. You can call me Ronin. Tell me, how much debt are you in exactly?" Warren asked, formulating a plan in his head.
Meli was surprised to hear Warren say such an intimidating name, and the fact that he asked about her debt, that she never noticed the heavy blush on her cheeks when Warren gave her such a cute nickname already. "My debt is ¢50,000… but I promise I'll pay it off one day, and come find you to repay you for saving me!" Meli said in a small, shy voice. Meli was embarrassed that she still had so much debt left, now she felt even more determined to pay it off.
When Warren heard that and saw her downcast expression, he felt even more sure about his decision. "That amount is fine. Show me to this Harriman." Warren said, folding his arms across his broad chest.
'The amount is fine? What does he mean? And why does he want to meet Master Harriman? Maybe he means to buy a ship' Meli thought to herself, but to not disappoint Warren, she did as he asked. Though it was late evening, the paradise island was still very much in business, so it was not hard for them to find Harriman.
Harriman definitely lived up to his name as he looked like a short, sleazy man with hair everywhere except the top of his head. When Warren saw him, right away he wanted to end his life, but quickly suppressed the urge, knowing that would mark him as a pirate in a heartbeat. 'If he pisses me off, I'll just kill in secret later. I am a Shinobi after all.' Warren thought to himself.
When Harriman saw Meli walk up to him, he had a lecherous grin on his face, but when he saw Warren walking next to her, he grimaced. "Amelia, where have you been? Did you complete the tasks I gave you? You know what will happen if you fail. Also, who is this?" Harriman asked when Meli and Warren were close enough.
Meli visibly tensed under the barrage of questions, which put a frown on Warren's face under his mask. "I-I'm sorry Master Harriman, I was attacked by some drunken men at the town's square, so I was unable to finish the tasks. But this man, Ronin, saved me and wanted to meet you after I mentioned you were my Master." Meli said softly, looking at the ground.
"You can't even complete the simplest tasks, you worthless idiot! And you, what do you want with me, big boy? And no, you can't have a roll in the hay with her, she's mine. Especially after all the debt she's accumulated with me." Harriman said as he reached out to grab Meli, but he was stopped by Warren clutching his wrist. "What do you think you're doing you idiot! Unhand me!" Harriman shouted, trying to pull his hand back, only to find Warren's vice-like grip getting tighter.
"Shut up and listen, Hairball, as you are quickly draining my patience. I'm paying off her debt and I want some supplies too. From now on, she will be free, so it's best if you just take the money and don't make too much trouble, unless you want to find yourself in more trouble than you can handle." Warren said as he looked down on Harriman, looking like a demon in the sparse light of the dock.
Harriman and Meli were shocked by what Warren just said. ¢50,000 was no small amount, especially for someone you just met. A poor families lifetime savings would at most be about ¢100,000, so no one would give up the equivalent to half a lifetime of savings on a stranger, even for sex, as you could just pay a whore for far less. So it was perfectly understandable that both Harriman and Meli were shocked.
"You seriously want to pay for this worthless fox? Why of course, I'd love to do business!" Harriman stated as his eyes became crescent shaped. Sure he was a sleazeball with issues, but before all else, he's a businessman. Snatching his hand back since Warren loosened his grip, Harriman rubbed his grimy hands together. "So you want to pay off my best employee's debt for her. Commendable I say, a true gentleman even! So, how will you be pay-" Harriman was about to asked before a sack of money landed on top of his head, nearly dropping him to his knees.
"There, the money for her debt a little extra for you to not be a headache for the rest of our business. I need log poses, particularly one for an island called Water 7, as well as a few blank log poses." Warren commanded. Part of the information god left him was knowledge of an island called Water 7, which was famous for building the best ships in the world.
Warren also wanted the blank poses in case he was fortune to find an abandoned island in the Grandline that he liked, already thinking of plans for building a future base. He'd love to replicate something like a Hidden Village in this world.
Once he regained his senses, Harriman was heated for being treated like trash by this giant man, but knew that he was no Warren's match. So he resolved to hurt him in his pockets by overcharging everything. Thinking this, Harriman grew an even bigger smile as his eyes turned into money signs.
"Oh course mister scary demon, I wouldn't think to be difficult with my new favorite customer! Now, if you'd follow me, I'll-" Harriman said before he was interrupted by Meli softly murmuring.
"Um, I'm so sorry to interrupt, and I can't even begin to thank you, Mr. Ronin!" Meli said as she quickly bows to Warren, before she turns back to face Harriman, nervously fidgeting with her hands. "Mast- I mean, Mr. Harriman, now that I'm free, may I please have my parents chest you took as collateral for my debt? It's the last thing I have of them after the raid, and it means so much to me!" Meli said as tears stream from her eyes and her ears flopped down to the side of her head.
Seeing Meli cry like that, Warren turned to shoot Harriman a murderous glare that made him immediately break out in a nervous sweat. 'My god, I feel as though there already a sword cutting through my neck, and all he's doing is looking at me! I have to hurry up and get rid of this little bitch and hid out for a little before she gets me killed!' Harriman thought to himself in a panic.
"Dear Amelia, of course I will give your chest back, as all I was doing was keeping it safe for you all of these years! After we finish here, we can go back to the manse, and collect your belongings!" Harriman stated amiably, as if he were some dotting father.
Hearing this, hope returned to Meli's eyes, as she had felt shame for years for losing her parents last gift that they gave to her, right before they were killed. After this, Harriman understandably rushed through the shopping process, so busy thinking about getting away from the duo, that he even forgot to overcharge Warren. Noticing how nervous Harriman got after the mention of Meli's chest and some sort of raid that got her parents killed, Warren became immediately cautious of Harriman.
Feeling Warren's eyes piercing through him, Harriman practically ran back to his manse to collect Meli's things, and told her and Warren to stay until he returned.
Now certain that the hairball was hiding something dastardly, Warren casually made a lightning clone and kept it with Meli while he used the cover of darkness and his Shinobi skills to follow Harriman to a large home that was in a state of disrepair.
Slipping inside, the inside proved to be in a far worse state than the outside. Following Harriman to a large bedroom, presumably his, Warren saw him pull out three large chests from a closet, one of the chests, he immediately opened and began packing all of his mobile belongings and hidden coins.
'Hmm, on the run now after a small mention of the chest and this raid, huh? Just how guilty are you, you pig? ' Warren thought to himself as he watched Harriman frantically pull out a denden mushi and begin calling someone. The snails face took on a swollen appearance of someone sobbing. "Boss, we tried to have fun with that fox like you said we could, but some demon came from a bolt of lightning and beat us! H-he completely crushed my hand!' the person on the other line began sobbing.
"Dammit, he already defeated you all?! Worthless! Listen, I'm dealing with that bastard now, but after that little bitch went blabbing her mouth about this damned unlockable chest, something tells that this demon suspects me somehow! I've been around enough to know not to take any risks. I want the full crew to pull up into the docks, and we're getting the hell out of here for a while. I'm sure a guy like him won't stay around here forever." Harriman yelled into the phone until he slammed the receiver down.
Feeling that there is something that he still needs to see, Warren resists the urge to kill Harriman right there. Following Harriman struggle with the chest down the stairs, Warren watches as Harriman waddled to a small wooden door that opened to a stairway that led down and started getting a sinking feeling. Reluctantly following him into the basement, Warren saw multiple rooms with thick metal doors, and a small opening in the doors to peer inside.
Multiple quiet cries entered Warren's ears as most of the rooms seemed to be filled with slaves of different races, and from peering inside a few of them, Warren saw that they were all female and chained to the walls with little to no clothes on. Before he could process the scene, Warren saw Harriman go inside one of the rooms and peered inside after him, only to feel sick. Now was when he realized that he was so wrong before, this world is far more sick than earth was.
Splashes of blood and other unidentifiable fluids assaulted Warren's eyes and nostrils as he watched Harriman rampaging through the tiny room, tossing a few of Meli's belongings by the two unopened chests before he turned his attention back to unleashing his rage on the room. "That fucking little bitch! I didn't even get a chance to fuck her yet, and where the hell did she find such a scary beast to protect her?! I should have had my fun and ended her when we killed the rest of those fucking minks." Harriman yelled as he unzipped his pants and began pissing all over the small room in a rage, paying extra attention to a cute pillow that looked as though it might be special.
Suddenly, Harriman stopped and broke out in a cold sweat as an unnatural chill over came through room, and the sound of sparks entered his ears. Against his better judgement, Harriman slowly turned around, only for his heart to nearly stop once his eyes landed on Warren wrapped in lightning, the sparse light of the basement making him look far more demonic. "I-its not what you think?! I had nothing to do with her parents dying! I didn't even leave the ship! In fact, she might be in a far worse situation than she is now! That's right, if it weren't for me, Amelia would-" Harriman rambled before a fist connecting with his stomach cut his words off.
With Harriman folded around his fist, Warren lifted the sleazeball to eye level. "I have heard and seen enough. You are a perfect example of why I must cleanse this world of filth just like you. But, Unfortunately for you, I want answers, and I know medical ninjutsu, so I can take you on the brink of death and bring you back as much as I like. For you, just like you made it for these poor girls, this basement will become your hell!" Warren said, his deep voice darker than it ever was before.
For hours, even after he told Warren everything he wanted to know and more, Harriman's screams echoed through the soundproof basement, unfortunately scaring most of the girls trapped there. When Warren was done, Harriman was a broken shell of what he once was, literally.
All of Harriman's limbs, including his genitals, were now cut off, his arms and legs shoved deep inside of his rectum and sewn into the sides with chakra threads. His genitals were now lodged deep inside his throat, and sewn there as well. On top of all of that, Harriman was now mentally broken, as he was just mentally there enough to continue his struggle of breathing with his own dick stuck in his throat.
Was it dark and fucked up? Very. But Warren knew from his past life as a Seal, sometimes you have to fight evil with even more fucked up evil. After he sealed all of Meli's untarnished belongings, Warren walked into the hallway and walked to the stairway. Before he walked up, he turned around and did a few hand seals, and then the ground and walls around the thick metal doors crumbled. Doing a few more seals, Warren turned and Shunshin'd back to Meli and his clone. As he left, the brick holding all of the girls chains to the walls were broken, freeing them.
It took a while for the girls to realize what happened, until one brave girl left her room and saw the state that Harriman was in, and called out to the other girls. Leaving the fucked up manse that was their prison for an untold amount of time, many of the girls ran straight to the marine outpost while some ran home to have their heartfelt reunions.