Chapter 16

After cleaning himself and the messy and sleeping Bonney up, Ronin quickly dressed himself first, and dressed Bonney back into her skimpy clothes. Ronin suspects she wears revealing clothes like that so that they'll always fit no matter what age she turns to, but Ronin already thought of a solution for that. He wasn't going to let his woman and possible mother to his child to gout dressing like a whore.

Though if Ronin was honest, he wasn't really looking to settle down just yet, as the world was massive and there were plenty of people to meet, but, he could definitely do far worse than Bonney. Not only was she sexy and could forever stay young and beautiful, so was a fucking princess on top of that! And if their past was anything to be by, she could be fiercely loyal to him as well, which just that by itself is already an attractive quality. If they married, he could become the king of the Sorbet Kingdom! If he could expand his influence, somehow block the calm sea, and control his passage to the Grandline, he'd have a literal quarter of the world already in his pocket!

As Ronin was busy in his thoughts of grandeur, a knock came at the door, bringing Ronin back to reality. Gently sliding Bonney from his arms to the soft pillows, then quietly sneaking to the door and closing it behind him. Outside of the door, Devon stood against the wall, taking a drag from his cigarette before he gave Ronin a knowing smirk.

"I see you had a long night consoling our newest crew mate I hear. And just an FYI, just because you put a sound barrier up, it didn't stop the whole ship from rocking. I thought the whole ship was about to capsize! Anyways, I came to show you the things you wanted us to buy, but after that, you should seriously go talk to Meli. She's been depressed and locked in her room ever since she saw you two rocking the ship. And not that I don't care about her feelings, but she makes the best food out of all of us, and I'm starving." Devon joked as he waved his hand, signalling for Ronin to follow him.

'Dammit! I definitely need to get better at Fuinjutsu as soon as possible. Maybe I'll finally convert that Shadow Clone Jutsu that God left me, to help me learn it!' Ronin thought to himself as he followed Devon down to the storage hold.

Many people might be wondering why Ronin didn't master the Shadow Clone Jutsu right away, and those people would be forgetting something very important, which was the main reason Ronin couldn't. Ronin elements are Lightning, Water, and Earth. The Shadow Clone Jutsu, like any other Shadow technique, uses the Yin or the Dark element. Even with Naruto, the only reason he is able to use it is because of the Bijuu, Kurama, sealed inside of him is naturally compatible with dark energy.

So the only realistic way for Ronin to actually use Shadow Clone Jutsu is to convert it, ideally into Lightning which is the element he's most compatible with. The problem he comes at is, he has to literally break down the technique to a fundamental level first, and then build it back up with his preferred element, which is extremely tedious and takes a long time, which is why it has taken him years to get the progress he has now. Luckily, he was almost done and only had a few steps left.

Walking into the cargo hold, Ronin was faced with boxes and boxes of the things they needed for their journey, each box nearly label for efficiency. Looking around the boxes, everything looked good. The trip through the Grandline would be treacherous, and there was no such thing as being too prepared. Ronin's mind flashed to his past life on his last mission. He had been in such a rush and was so confident that everything would work out, but he couldn't be any further from the truth.

Shaking those thoughts from his head, Ronin turned to Devon. "And everyone's weapons? Were they able to be commissioned?" Ronin asked.

"Yeah, I found a fairly competent blacksmith, but I have a feeling we could find someone better once we enter the Grandline, but until then, we should be fine with whatever he makes for us. It'll at least be better than whatever we have now." Devon said, and he wasn't wrong. They equipment they had now was terrible, as it was the same quality of weapons that you'd pick up from any other pirate corpse. But with new commissioned weapons, they'll have better firepower and be a cut above the rest.

As they went back upstairs, they caught the whiff of something delicious and wandered into the kitchen to see Meli cooking on the stove looking very sad, as her ears were flopped down and hung between her legs, instead of swishing around like it normally does. Seeing Meli so sad made Ronin feel like shit, as though he never led her on, he knew how she felt and tried to avoid discussing it, but now was the time for him to nut up and do what he needs to do.

"I'm going to leave you two alone. Handle your business bro." Devon said as he fist bumped Ronin and Shunshin'd from the room.

'I should've never taught that bastard that. Now he never leaves the room normally!' Ronin thought to himself as he let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. walking up behind Meli, Ronin reached out and rubbed the top of her head, feeling her flinched at his sudden touch, then he felt her tail wagging slightly.

"That's not fair.." Meli said solemnly, doing her best to not fall for Ronin's tricks, but scratching the top of her head was one of her many weaknesses that Ronin always seemed to find.

Smiling softly at Meli's reaction, Ronin lightly flicked one of Meli's ears, watching her shudder as a result. "Meli, I think it's time me and you have a serious conversation." Ronin said as him and Meli went to sit on the couch together in the lounge area. The lounge was a calming room adjacent to the kitchen and was fairly secluded. It was a decently sized room with a large comfortable couch, a small library and a decent view to the outside. Right now, outside of the window, the night's sky and warm glow of the city lights is what greeted them.

Now on the couch, Meli sat very nervously on the couch, while Ronin was more relax, leaning back against the couch as he tried to find the words to start this difficult conversation. "Meli, I've never really been one for beating around the bush, so I'll just come out and ask you. Please be honest with me, do you have feelings for me?" Ronin asked bluntly.

When Meli heard his direct question, her heart nearly stopped, as she wasn't expecting to be forced into a confession. After calming herself down for a second and fighting back to tears from the thought of possibly being rejected, Meli finally turned to face Ronin, doing her best to seem strong and determined.

"Yes, Ro, I-I've loved you for a very long time now. But... now you have your old childhood friend back, and you two even... made love together already." Meli said, as she grew gloomy and her ears flopped back down on her head.

'Damn you adorable Minks and your inability to hide your emotions!' Ronin thought to himself as he scratched his head in frustration. Ronin didn't like anything complicated and preferred things to be simple and easy, but now his crew dynamic was already fucked and he hadn't even set foot in the Grandline yet.

"Meli, look, I'll be completely honest with you. I think you're amazing. Even after all of the fucked up shit you went through, you still find the strength to smile and try and take care of others. On top of that, you're sexy as hell and very competent as well. If you are total wife material, I don't know what is!" Ronin said truthfully. He honestly could see himself possibly ending up with Meli one day.

When Meli heard this, her face went completely flush as her head felt like it might melt off of her shoulders. Ronin just gave her the ultimate compliment and even said she had the makings to be an amazing wife one day!

"But, I'm not ready to settle down yet," Ronin said, making Meli's previously elated feeling come crashing down. Seeing her about to become sad and the tears at the edge of her eyes, Ronin picked Meli up and held her in his arms. Meli was slightly panicked at first, but when she felt his strong arms wrapped comfortably around her and smelled his sweet, masculine scent, she completely melted in his embrace.

"I'm not going to be selfish and tell you to wait for me, and to not mind if there are other girls around, because that wouldn't be fair to you. I have love for you, and I want you to be happy no matter what, so if you end up finding that happiness with someone else, I understand. But no matter what, I want you to stay by my side, even if only as a friend. We've grown incredibly close to each other over these months, and I can't imagine us apart now. Even after you snuck to my room and peeped on me that one night, remember?" Ronin whispered in Meli's ear as he gently began playing with it.

Being reminded of peeping on Ronin and feeling him gently rub a sensitive area for her, Meli was growing too stimulated as her face grew even more flush and she began squirming in Ronin embrace, accidentally grinding on his lap. Feeling something pressing against her between her legs, Meli looked down, and quickly realize what she was doing. Embarrassed, Meli looked up at Ronin and began stammering.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't realize what I was doing! I didn't hurt you did I?! Please don't hate me!" Meli rambled off as she began shivering at the thought of making Ronin upset and him leaving her.

But when she saw his gentle smile and felt him scratch the top of her head, her heart began doing flips again. "Meli, please calm down. I could never hate someone as sweet as you," Ronin said, and then leaned down to her ear again. "But if you promise to be okay with us not being exclusive right now, I promise to always take care of you and love you with all my heart. Plus, if you promise right now, I'll let you keep rubbing yourself on me, what do you think?" Ronin whispered seductively as one hand rubbed her ear and the other softly caressing her.

When Meli heard Ronin, she was sad about not being his wife anytime soon, but she was deeply moved when she heard that he would forever love and protect her. And when he offered her to stimulate herself with his body, she decided to be bold and take this chance he has given her. Growing hot at Ronin's repeated stimulation, Meli began grinding on top of Ronin more vigorously, quickly growing wet and hot.

As if he read her mind, Ronin slid down his pants and pulled off her pink yukata, freeing her large, juicy breasts to the world. Immediately, Ronin popped one of her puffy, pink nipples into his mouth and started sucking, making Meli Moan as she began rubbing her slick pussy against Ronin's bare dick, breathing heavily as her tongue lolled out her her mouth like a dog in heat.

Feeling the heat from Meli's wet little pussy, Ronin fought the urge to just stick his dick inside and take her right there, but that would defeat his plan. He need Meli to initiate and progress things between them. He had already laid down the foundation for something great, now he just needed to be patient.

Feeling her get even hotter, Meli couldn't hold herself back anymore and took a hold of Ronin large dick and aimed it at the entrance of her puffy, soft lips. Looking deep into Ronin's eyes, that looked back at her affectionately, Meli lowered herself down, fighting through the pain of her hymen breaking, until she took his full length. Once she was to the hilt, she sat there for a while, trying not to cry as she did her best to get adjusted to Ronin's thick girth.

Meli felt too good to Ronin, like completely unbelievable. He had to fight harder not to continue thrusting inside of her, but the thought of not wanting to do permanent damage to her helped greatly. Seeing her do her best, Ronin scratch her head while the other hand played with her nipples, helping her focus more on the pleasure rather then the pain she was in.

After a while, Ronin felt Meli loosening up, and could no longer hold himself back, he started moving slowly, Meli wincing softly each time, but then she started letting it little moans, moving her hips as she bouncing on Ronin's lap.

"O-oh my gosh, It's so big! I can feel you in my stomach!" Meli said between moans.

"Damn, Meli, you feel so good, I'm not going to last much longer!" Ronin said truthfully. Ronin prided himself on his stamina, even in his past life, but Meli's pussy was something else. She felt as though her pussy was made perfectly to fit in his dick, and Ronin finally understood why men were willing to go to war over pussy, as Ronin would burn the world down before he gave Meli's pussy up.

"P-please cum inside of me, Ro! I've dreamed of having your babies! Please, give it all to me!" Meli pleaded as she began grinding harder and her tail moved to gently caress his balls, which felt fucking amazing. There was something about hearing Meli beg to make her a mother that just sent Ronin over the edge. Grabbing a hold of Meli's wide, supple hips, Ronin pulled her down, forcing her to squeal in pleasure as she felt Ronin cumming deep inside of her, making her feel an ultimate bliss.

"Fuck, that pussy of yours is too dangerous, Meli. I think I'll get addicted to you begging for my children." Ronin joked, as he flicked one of Meli's nipples, making her let out a cute Yelp, before she looked up at him embarrassed.

"S-so does this mean I'm one of your lover's too now?" Meli asked shyly.

Hearing her, Ronin let out a soft chuckle. "As I said before, I already had love for you, but thank you for choosing to stay by my side even with my selfish request." Ronin said as he planted a kiss on Meli's lips and she reciprocated.

After the two cleaned themselves up, Ronin sneak grabs here and there, the two left the lounge. Thanks to Meli having the heavenly honeypot between her legs, the two didn't take that long having sex, so by the time Meli finished making dinner, whistling as she brought out the plates, both Devon and Bonney was already at the table.

"Does it smell like sex in here to y'all?" Bonney asked loudly as she sniffed the air, making everyone freeze.

Looking to Devon to help him with an answer, Ronin only saw his Vice-Captain doing his best not to burst out in laughter. 'Unhelpful bastard! Fuck it, there's no hiding this on a tiny ship anyway.' Ronin thought to himself.

"Yeah, me and Meli just got done in the lounge room before dinner, but don't worry, we cleaned up in there. Can you pass the bacon?" Ronin asked as he casually dropped the news that him and Meli had sex. Hearing this, Meli heart stopped as she thought Bonnie would blow up at them.

"What did you just say?! Of course you can't have any bacon, this is all mine! And that's cool about you two having sex. I already assumed you two were fucking when I first. saw how defensive she got over you, it was so cute! Maybe she can join us next time! I bet she'll taste amazing!" Bonney offered as she stuffed her face with bacon.

Ronin and Devon burst out laughing at this as Meli blushed even more at the thought of having sex with Bonney too, as the possibility of it never crossed her mind.

As the crew were laughing and eating dinner, series of explosions rocking the city broke the jovial mood. Rushing to the deck of the ship, the crew watched as Ivory Island began burning, as fighting broke out in the streets between the residents and people in dirty loincloths.

"Damn, I knew I forgot something important to tell you earlier." Devon said as he lazily snapped his fingers.

"I'm guessing it wasn't a late night fireworks show?" Ronin joked as he watch the fires burning brighter.

"No, you ass. There is trouble about to break out on this island. While St. Karen is away, along with her government agents, the people of Filth Forest have chosen to rebel. We're about to witness the start to a nasty war." Devon said, as he casually clicked away his old cigarette and lit a new one.

"Well, what do you have planned, War- I mean, Ronin. Though you lost your memories, even back then you always had a plan to profit from any situation." Bonney said as she clung to Ronin's arm.

She wasn't wrong. Even without the confirmation from Devon, the whole island had a feeling of a powder keg about to blow, which is why Ronin was in such a rush to leave, but now, things were different. "In the future, my plans require us to have many underlings. So, I say why not get a head start, let go find some strong fighters!" Ronin said, as he smirked under his mask at the burning city. This would be his start to greatness.